Democratic plan to abandon our troops

Who thinks Hearless_Name should go away?

  • I Do! The only thing dumber than his posts is that Wierd Al hairstyle.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • He needs to go. He can come back after puberty.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Let him stay. His ignorance is amusing.

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
Our government is a travesty, on both sides of the aisle.

The fact is, Shinseki already denounced the plan as it was in the works because we wouldn't have enough troops on the ground for the protection of resources, cities, etc. from insurgents. What happened? Rumsfeld fired him and got a "yes-man" in there. Now, in a sense, over 3,000 troops have died over the past three years before this "administration" could swallow it's pride and admit that it fucked up. And in the end, what did they do? Bolstered the troop count, although it's still not nearly enough. Iraq needs no less than 250,000 troops on the ground to clean up this mess, and they could've had it at the beginning but our fearless leaders fucked it all up. Now we've got a palsy 20,000 extra troops on the ground for protection, when we could've had 120,000 more at the beginning. The American people don't trust the prez, so he's gonna have to fight for whatever he gets. In a nutshell, they fucked up and it's three years too late to fix it. This troop bolster is a band-aid, not a fix. Do you really think that 20k troops is going to fix everything?

On the other hand, the dems...well...they're dems. Equally worthless and clueless.

The Republicans are morons and the Democrats are spineless pussies. Yeah. The US government definitely needs an enema. How can they look at the American people and still spout off how great life is in the US when politicians will sell out their own military for popularity and the other side will straight up abandon them? I hope they all die in a fire.

This is indeed the shining pearl of wisdom in this thread. Not only are both parties corrupt and essentially worthless, but in so many ways the Dems talk a good game but aren't traditionally liberal so much as radical Social-Maxists, and the Republicans aren't remotely conservative, but rather just globalist, big-spending, hyper-capitalist neoconmen.
The legitimate political Right in this country isn't even acknowledged anymore. The mainstream media(and perhaps a few here) should pick up a copy of 'The American Conservative', or read some Paul Craig Roberts, Justin Raimondo, (The late)Sam Francis, or the like, and discover that the "Old" (ie. legitimate non "neo") Right has been squarely against Bush and his Iraqi adventures from the start; not to mention the obscene spending of his administartion and the Republican Congress, his criminal apathy toward and enabling of the immigration/invasion crisis, etc.

Of course the question remains - however much of an ill-conceived disaster Iraq has become(or always has been), can we simply walk away now? Is it not a foregone conclusion that the Civil War there will almost certainly intensify or descend into absolute chaos, once American forces depart? What ethical obligation is America on the hook for, regardless of how one feels about the war itself? Part of me says bring the troops home anyway...but is that realistic? And is it not likely that we will simply be forced BACK into Iraq to stabilize, or attempt to stabilize a nation in utter chaos...chaos we arrogantly and foolishly ushered in?
You really are a retarded fascist pig. You think the politically party you don't belong to is "inherently moronic and deceitful"? Congrats on being such a pig. Thankfully, most Americans are good, middle of the road, and non-ideological. You, on the other hand, are no different than than idiot American Taliban Walker kid. Congrats!
Maybe you can form a party to gas Jews, I mean liberals.....

that was moving.
it really was.
i'm touched by your liberal whinings and outrage.
yes... absolutely... as soon as a Conservative says something a liberal doesnt like, they drag out the old 'Nazi' tag.

kudos to you for trying to overcome your handicap [liberalism]. maybe one day, some compassionate Conservative will develop a treatment plan that can free you of your affliction.

good luck.
i'm not 'rooting' for one side.
i'm actually hoping for a cease-fire and some eventual understanding, so that they can live together peacefully.

so do I.
So does everybody in the world, except for the the sunnis and shiites themselves, and a few outside influences, namely Iran and Saudi Arabia.
What do U think the U.S. can do about a potential war between Iran and Saudi Arbia.
that was moving.
it really was.
i'm touched by your liberal whinings and outrage.
yes... absolutely... as soon as a Conservative says something a liberal doesnt like, they drag out the old 'Nazi' tag.

kudos to you for trying to overcome your handicap [liberalism]. maybe one day, some compassionate Conservative will develop a treatment plan that can free you of your affliction.

good luck.

When did I call you a Nazi?

But wow, you're right. I should have just said conservaties are "inherently moronic and deceitful." That would more on the level of your ability to argue.... I mean throw insults. Since you think the mere fact you assert something makes it true, then hey at least allow others the same right to throw stupid insults and generalities at you........
When did I call you a Nazi?

But wow, you're right. I should have just said conservaties are "inherently moronic and deceitful." That would more on the level of your ability to argue.... I mean throw insults. Since you think the mere fact you assert something makes it true, then hey at least allow others the same right to throw stupid insults and generalities at you........

you think you have to say the word, 'Nazi' for it to qualify?
you mentioned gassing the Jews, then had the nerve to liken Liberals to what the Jews had to suffer. :mad:

you think that was being clever, dont you?

once again, you prove my point about your particular illness... liberalism.

as it is, i dont want to gas liberals. i want them to get the help they need... and SOON!

and Teeth, i dont think there's going to be any problem with Saudi Arabia and Iran. a bit of sabre rattling, but i think that's all for show.
Saudi Arabia's hands are just as dirty as Iran's. they're all part of the same problem in the world, and probably more so.
it bothers me that we, as a nation, 'play the role' of believing SA to be allies, but for now, it's what we have to do.
I always laugh when I hear these cries of some of you about leaving the troops defenseless. I have not heard one Democrat say that was what they were doing, nor the many Republican I have seen that are coming on board.

Regardless, ask yourselves this... did the troops have the proper training, body armor, etc. duirng the last few years... umm, no. So, why the outrage now? Where was your outrage before when your guys were in the majority?
I always laugh when I hear these cries of some of you about leaving the troops defenseless. I have not heard one Democrat say that was what they were doing, nor the many Republican I have seen that are coming on board.

Regardless, ask yourselves this... did the troops have the proper training, body armor, etc. duirng the last few years... umm, no. So, why the outrage now? Where was your outrage before when your guys were in the majority?

first of all, it would be political suicide for Dems to say what they're REALLY up to, so of course they're not claiming to be attempting to leave the troops defenseless.

as for the troops having everything they needed when they went over there, i'd say no. they could have been better equipped.
the thing is, this is something that has been an issue and has been spoken out about for a long time. are you saying you just heard about it?
i think most of us are aware enough of what's actually going on out there to realize this.
the troops have been doing amazingly well, considering.
the true motivation of the Dems is to make sure more Americans die, so that they can get a political upperhand. they couldnt care less about saving the lives of our troops or those of us at home.
you mentioned gassing the Jews, then had the nerve to liken Liberals to what the Jews had to suffer. :mad:

as it is, i dont want to gas liberals. i want them to get the help they need... and SOON!

Saudi Arabia's hands are just as dirty as Iran's. they're all part of the same problem in the world, and probably more so.
it bothers me that we, as a nation, 'play the role' of believing SA to be allies, but for now, it's what we have to do.

I wouldn't mind if a few hundred thousand communist bleeding hearts were gassed. They deserve it.

As far as the Saudi's go...They are most anti American nation in the world. Just why are American politicians so cozy with them?
After all, most of the 9-11 hijackers were from SA.

With the exception of Bill Maher, I have yet to hear a pundit adress this question.
And since you are the punditiest of the pundits, I would like to hear what your infotainment has infotained you on such matters.
so do I.
So does everybody in the world, except for the the sunnis and shiites themselves, and a few outside influences, namely Iran and Saudi Arabia.
What do U think the U.S. can do about a potential war between Iran and Saudi Arbia.

We can prop the Jews up and hope they can get along with the Saudi's long enough to vanquish Iran.

We can prop the Jews up and hope they can get along with the Saudi's long enough to vanquish Iran.

great..then Iraq will become part of the Saudi Empire. where they can massacre the shiites, put women under blankets and plot another terrorist attack.
Iran is freer than Saudi Arabia.
Iran has elections.
Saudi Arabia is a kingdom, with religious police, who have execution parties every now and again.

Fuck Iran, but if we are there to create democracies, Iran..our supposed enemy, is already democratic.
Our allies, the saudis, are nothing close to a democracy.
This is indeed the shining pearl of wisdom in this thread. Not only are both parties corrupt and essentially worthless, but in so many ways the Dems talk a good game but aren't traditionally liberal so much as radical Social-Maxists, and the Republicans aren't remotely conservative, but rather just globalist, big-spending, hyper-capitalist neoconmen.
The legitimate political Right in this country isn't even acknowledged anymore. The mainstream media(and perhaps a few here) should pick up a copy of 'The American Conservative', or read some Paul Craig Roberts, Justin Raimondo, (The late)Sam Francis, or the like, and discover that the "Old" (ie. legitimate non "neo") Right has been squarely against Bush and his Iraqi adventures from the start; not to mention the obscene spending of his administartion and the Republican Congress, his criminal apathy toward and enabling of the immigration/invasion crisis, etc.

You are correct. Not only were true conservatives against the the disaster in Iraq, but another staple of the republican party were against it...
the official platform of thr Libertarian party was anti-Iraq war.

in fact, most democrats were for it. The Libertarians, Old school conservatives, and radical liberals were the only groups with any common sense 4 tears ago.
The republicans have become just as internationalist as the Democrats.
I wouldn't mind if a few hundred thousand communist bleeding hearts were gassed. They deserve it.

As far as the Saudi's go...They are most anti American nation in the world. Just why are American politicians so cozy with them?
After all, most of the 9-11 hijackers were from SA.

With the exception of Bill Maher, I have yet to hear a pundit adress this question.
And since you are the punditiest of the pundits, I would like to hear what your infotainment has infotained you on such matters.

word of the day.

great..then Iraq will become part of the Saudi Empire. where they can massacre the shiites, put women under blankets and plot another terrorist attack.
Iran is freer than Saudi Arabia.
Iran has elections.
Saudi Arabia is a kingdom, with religious police, who have execution parties every now and again.

Fuck Iran, but if we are there to create democracies, Iran..our supposed enemy, is already democratic.
Our allies, the saudis, are nothing close to a democracy.

Iran is a democracy like Cuba is a democracy. I do see your point though. I really would like to see Iran go down.
Generally, I am pro execution party's. As long as it is terrorists being executed and the beer is cold.
Some women belong under blankets. . .

Generally, I am pro execution party's. As long as it is terrorists being executed and the beer is cold.

Me too, but unfortunately, the saudis execute those who favor western style freedom. I would like to see the religious executioners executed.
That would be something that americans of all political persuasions could crack a beer over.
Me too, but unfortunately, the saudis execute those who favor western style freedom. I would like to see the religious executioners executed.
That would be something that americans of all political persuasions could crack a beer over.

:heh: :heh:
Well, in general the uber-religious need to be executed. They are a stain on freedom whether they are the nutty Christian kind like Sue or Muslim Fundies around the world........
:heh: :heh:
Well, in general the uber-religious need to be executed. They are a stain on freedom whether they are the nutty Christian kind like Sue or Muslim Fundies around the world........

Bigotry in its purest form folks.

I guess you're lucky they haven't targeted the uber-stupid.