demonic vocals (recommendations)

NineFeetUnderground said:
metal-wrath is undeserving of the esoteric. i recommend cradle of filth.
Hah, I seem to remember you saying that their is nothing wrong with pop music and recommending Colplay, so it is funny that you would put down a band like Cradle of Filth for being more mainstream. Anyway I am far too musically mature to listen to someone screaming "Her ghost in the fooooooog":lol:
metal_wrath said:
Hah, I seem to remember you saying that their is nothing wrong with pop music and recommending Colplay, so it is funny that you would put down a band like Cradle of Filth for being more mainstream. Anyway I am far too musically mature to listen to someone screaming "Her ghost in the fooooooog":lol:

i wasnt ACTUALLY recommending cradle of filth you twat. you must either be drunk 24/7 or have had some sort of mental disorder since birth...jesus christ.
bethlehem has some rather extreme vocals in the earlier albums (not as much on the first album Dark Metal however). very weird shrieking etc. i can't really say i enjoyed it the few times i listened to Dictius et Necare or Sardonischer Untergang Im Zeichen Irreligiöser Darbietung.
NineFeetUnderground said:
i wasnt ACTUALLY recommending cradle of filth you twat. you must either be drunk 24/7 or have had some sort of mental disorder since birth...jesus christ.
A wanker you are, because I was referring to your insulting of the band, I think I made that clear, so you can maybe continue on with the topic or trolling as usual, whatever
metal_wrath said:
A wanker you are, because I was referring to your insulting of the band, I think I made that clear, so you can maybe continue on with the topic or trolling as usual, whatever

cradle of filth was shit before they hit the big time. just so you know. dont be so presumptuous next time, itll save you some dignity (like you had some roflmaoimho)
metal_wrath said:
Hah, I seem to remember you saying that their is nothing wrong with pop music and recommending Colplay, so it is funny that you would put down a band like Cradle of Filth for being more mainstream. Anyway I am far too musically mature to listen to someone screaming "Her ghost in the fooooooog":lol:

Honestly, some of the shit you type is just down right retarded. Do you think your so much more superior than other people because you listen to such heavy heavy, brutal MEEEETTAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!11!!!!24!!!1.

You are not 'musically mature' if you are asking for recommendations of bands with the most brutal vocals.
You are not 'musically mature' full stop. Neither am I.
However, you would be much more 'musically mature' if you listened to genres other than metal.

But keep posting on the forums man, it's a great laugh to read your post's.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
1. I should know about Shape of Despair, I own all their albums (downloads) and yes the vocals are some of the best I have heard, very brutal indeed. I almost listed them as an example in my post but decided not to.

2. I own the Wrath of the Tyrant album (downloaded) and those are the sort of vocals I am talking about, I would like to hear something similar to those vocals. Also, I almost listed that song as an example but decided not to.

thanx for the recommendations, if anything this thread is starting to get on track:)
Pig Destroyer hass some pretty brutal vocals in the high end spectrum. Get Terrifyer, amazing album.