demonic vocals (recommendations)

Shape of Despair are pathetic. If you want some decent funeral doom with really brutal vocals, check out Monolithe I & II. Not the best funeral doom around, but if you listen to them on a good sound system, his vocals will shake the windows.
Ten SiSi said:
Shape of Despair are pathetic. If you want some decent funeral doom with really brutal vocals, check out Monolithe I & II. Not the best funeral doom around, but if you listen to them on a good sound system, his vocals will shake the windows.

monolithe is pretty terrible. what kind of tarts think you can use an accordian without coming off as absolutely lame in a genre titled "funeral doom". they dont even do their sound WELL. :erk:
NineFeetUnderground said:
if you dont know who stephen omalley is, chances are you listen to orphaned land and riverside.

Mind if I print that up as a t shirt?! :rock:

Its a shame that guy said no Doom/Drone as Julian Cope's... words... on My Wall are some of the heaviest "vocals" I've heard, not in a roooaaarrrrr I'm scary way, just in a whoa, thats heavy way. Which is much better!

Also, Khanate's vocals are pretty hefty! And Thorr's Hammer too. My friends are always fooled into wanting to hear them because it has a "pretty goth chick" on the front of Dommedagsnatt... She must be play violin or keyboard right? :lol: Always gives me a kick!

Yeah, shame he doesn't want to listen to any of those bands :lol:
NineFeetUnderground said:
monolithe is pretty terrible. what kind of tarts think you can use an accordian without coming off as absolutely lame in a genre titled "funeral doom". they dont even do their sound WELL. :erk:
I merely mentioned Monolithe because we were on the funeral doom subject, and monolithe has decent vocals. Monolithe is absolutley unlistenable, EXCEPT for Monolithe II from about 25:30-30:00. They make a wonderful, desolate atmosphere here. Yes it uses accordians, but they make it sound like part of the noise.
Netheral said:
Dornenreich - Her von Welken Nächten
Check them out, the cd's worth the try.....and they also have very extreme vocals

Awesome band. Not cause they're technical or any shit like that... but... yeah... just great songwriters.

I imagine the vocals would irritate a lot of people, but I like them. I'm really keen to hear their new album.
Necrophagist has a pretty good growl vocalist. It also has a lot of shredding... but everybody here hates that.(I know I don't)

Just saw their show earlier last week, their first time ever coming to America. Fucking awesome.
metal_wrath said:
I have recently been listening to more brutal death metal and black metal and I have heard some fairly brutal vocals from both styles, but I am currently trying to hear something more on the extreme side, with frightening vocals of the demonic variety. This may sound like a stupid question but what would be the best bands that have the most exteme screeching vocals or low growls in the black or death metal realm or even grindcore, sorry no drone or doom, kthnx

You might want to listen to some Blinded by Faith, if you manage to find some. Also, you could like old Arcturus' vocals (See the albums Aspera Hiems Symfonia or Constellation) or Unexpect (this is what I would call Fucking bizarre black metal :goggly: ). Here are some other bands that you could like too :

Obscurcis Romancia, Neuraxis, Augury, Profugus Mortis, Cryptopsy (if you don't mind not understanding the lyrics), Behemoth, Disphoria, Edge of Sanity (though there are some clean vocals too), Emperor (Indeed you might already know them), Ulver (see the album Nattends Madrigal, if you look for something brutal :P), old Covenant (see album Nexus Polaris), Mayhem, Summoning. Those are all black or death metal bands (or albums)
affinityband said:
In fairness no matter how much i hate cradle, Dani is a very talented vocalist. Even though the music is one hell of an abortion.
If by talented you mean he sounds like a chipmunk in desperate need of an exorcism, then I agree.
AshDLS said:
Awesome band. Not cause they're technical or any shit like that... but... yeah... just great songwriters.

I imagine the vocals would irritate a lot of people, but I like them. I'm really keen to hear their new album.

hmmm IMO their new album "hexenwind" is awful....I don't like anything on it.....or do you mean their forthcoming album "Durch den Traum" that's going to be released in winter 2006?
IMO their best one still is "Bitter ist's dem Tod zu dienen"