If only it were all Jonas...
lmao, some of these comments are hilarious.
I think a few of you are concentrating way to much on the whole death thing. To me it's simply about the dynamics between siblings; the rivalry, and often the resentment that it often brings. The timid (I'm guessing younger) brother feels overshadowed by his brasher brother, and he has to learn not to be dependent. Vice versa the brasher brother needs to learn to distance himself in order for the other to become his own man. It's about coming to the point where you realize you have to go your own separate path. Departer.
... Well that's just what I make of it anyhow.
What an unfortunate fate for this stunning song. When the song started up and I heard that chilling music and Jonas's amazing vocals, I was prepared to declare this my top favorite Katatonia song EVER. I can't even sing along with the lyrics because I get choked up by how beautiful (yet sad) the song sounds. And then Krister Linder comes in and (for me) ruins this beautiful song. I don't like his voice in the least. I completely understand the concept behind the song and how it's two brothers talking and Krister is the one talking after "Jonas" died (comitted suicide?). Even if it would have been a female vocalist singing Krister's parts I would have liked it a lot better. I kept hoping that Jonas would at least come back for a final chorus with Krister, but alas, he did not return. I would love to hear an "all Jonas" version. I can listen to the first 2 minutes over and over and it never fails to bring a tear to my eye. However, any tears after the Jonas parts are from realizing the immense lost potential of this song being AMAZING without Krister singing. I mean, I'd rather hear Krister over say, a grunter....but that's about the very best I can say. What a shame.
Ok, I don't normally say things such as this but...have you freaking gone mad???
How can you NOT realize it's this contrast that makes this entire song work???
I mean, if anything, Jonas' moment is even more amazing because it has that one significant, emotional part; the opening, which is supposed to be more depressive. And here comes Krister delivering a more soaring, epic vibe. He was an excellent choice and am a HUGE fan of his after hearing his solo work. I guess since I was looking forward to his role on this album I come away remarkably impressed.