The Bringer said:
I like the guitar work of Trivium. Those boys are capable of some nice solos and leads. But I don't listen to Trivium for a couple of reasons.

1. The vocals. Usually I don't ever mind vocals. Usually they don't hold anything to my ears compared to the other instruments. But with metalcore and the entire clean, almost whining, vocals just get on my nerves. There is nothing about it that can be liked.

2. The songs are structured in such a way that listening to an entire album is almost like listening to one song on repeat. I'm not saying they all sound the same because there are definitely different sounding but they just don't go anywhere. Metallica's old songs progressed, changed and took you on a journey from start to finish. But these songs really don't take you anywhere and when the album is done I feel like I've just listened to 12 radio hits with no sense of real progression or even an urge to explore anything off the same worn path.
you just read my mind. the first time i heard them i could see the talent but the hardcore approach to the vocals ruined everything for me and the cleans were definetly of the typical metalcore variety. i do feel that leaving behind the hardcore stuff is a step in the right direction and i do like the new vocal stylings even though they are a blatant ripoff. it shouldnt be such a bad thing to wear your influences on your sleeve and perhaps this album is their way of paying homage. i also feel that if this was their first album nobody would be shitting on them as much and you wouldnt be hearing all the "metalcore sucks" talk because this album has clearly moved beyond that. i may be flamed for this but i think that guitar work surpasses their influences at times but its only because of those influences that this comes into effect. not a favorite but this album makes me give them a second chance. yet another band who gets shit on for what genre they get lumped in with, and the people who like them(insert mental picture of mallcore kids)
I don't know if you're being serious or not but, if you are.... The Black album has been out for quite a long time, before the Load albums and St. Anger.

Nah I was just doin sarcasm. I think this is Trivium's "black album". It gained them a lot of fans by giving it a more accessable approach while at the same time it made them lose fans who liked their metalcore approach.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Indeed. The name was what intrigued me in the first place, but I was sorely disappointed when I heard it. :cry:

yeah. I should rename my band quadrivium to match.
i don't think i could honestly listen to the whole album and take it seriously as a good album. its just feels so fake its ridiculous. i see them in guitar world posing with metallica and just sucking the cock so much its sad and it really shows with this album. at least with ascendency and ember to inferno sure it was metalcore so its a bit trendy but at least it didn't feel fake and poserish like the new album. listening to a song like anthem we are the fire which is supposed to be rebellious coming from the people who are fake and just making this sound to copy metallica is ridiculous.