Shittiest Music Video

Takingitfromawetback listen here you satanical sancitmonious son of a video clerk. Do you actually think that your pitiful attempts to flame me is doing anything to my self esteem? Its doing alot for my funny bone though. Your 26 and your still ashamed of your own sexuality? Why dont you and your crack-fiend gf just buy condoms online? That way you wont have to leave your mother's basement to go shopping in the middle of Gomer Pile USMC. Do you fucking have a job? I'm real curious. I'm typing to you from my cubicle in a lavish office building for a company that gives free sparkletts water, not to mention carbonated libations. I'm living in luxury with my shoes kicked off. I'm a fucking hundredaire! So boy when you talk to me! Show some fucking respect. This is my thread. So when you decide to eloquently post in it. Pay fucking homage and tribute to the post thread starter. Tis I. Your musical saviour. I'm fucking at this piss poor pitiful excuse for a message board to enlighten, to emancipate, and to educate all of you prepubescant salad tossers to what real music fucking is. Whats real music you ask in your high pitch nasaly sounded estrogenic esque voices? Its fucking everything from Hit the Lights-All within my hands. And everything fucking inbetween. Open your ears not your buttcheeks. Lets run a decent normal adult conversation for once. Takinpotofgoldback you fucking limp wrist leprechaun. Whats your beef with me? Is it becuz your jealous? Jealous of my musical enlightenment? Jealous of my sexuality (heterosexuality) What is your deal? If i have improper spelling it is due to the fact that english is my 5th fucking language! Yet you farfegnuggens speak 1 language and 1 language only. You can not grasp the intelligence and mental acumen which i possess. I dont even know why im talking to lesser beings.
Although, I have yet to see these series of videos, my friend claims that Jag Panzer has filmed videos in their basements, by turning them into dungeons and such. With that being said you can imagine the pure quality of these masterpieces!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Takingitfromawetback listen here you satanical sancitmonious son of a video clerk. Do you actually think that your pitiful attempts to flame me is doing anything to my self esteem? Its doing alot for my funny bone though. Your 26 and your still ashamed of your own sexuality? Why dont you and your crack-fiend gf just buy condoms online? That way you wont have to leave your mother's basement to go shopping in the middle of Gomer Pile USMC. Do you fucking have a job? I'm real curious. I'm typing to you from my cubicle in a lavish office building for a company that gives free sparkletts water, not to mention carbonated libations. I'm living in luxury with my shoes kicked off. I'm a fucking hundredaire! So boy when you talk to me! Show some fucking respect. This is my thread. So when you decide to eloquently post in it. Pay fucking homage and tribute to the post thread starter. Tis I. Your musical saviour. I'm fucking at this piss poor pitiful excuse for a message board to enlighten, to emancipate, and to educate all of you prepubescant salad tossers to what real music fucking is. Whats real music you ask in your high pitch nasaly sounded estrogenic esque voices? Its fucking everything from Hit the Lights-All within my hands. And everything fucking inbetween. Open your ears not your buttcheeks. Lets run a decent normal adult conversation for once. Takinpotofgoldback you fucking limp wrist leprechaun. Whats your beef with me? Is it becuz your jealous? Jealous of my musical enlightenment? Jealous of my sexuality (heterosexuality) What is your deal? If i have improper spelling it is due to the fact that english is my 5th fucking language! Yet you farfegnuggens speak 1 language and 1 language only. You can not grasp the intelligence and mental acumen which i possess. I dont even know why im talking to lesser beings.

Goddamnit you are such a shithead. What is a "hundredaire"? Is that even a word?
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Takingitfromawetback listen here you satanical sancitmonious son of a video clerk....

Ënglish isn't your 5th language. You're an American if I ever saw one. By the way, noone has ever asked you to come here and "enlighten" us with your insightful arguments and good spelling. Music is all about taste, your taste isn't better than my taste. You like Metallica, I like Emperor, so f****** what? Metallica has got some decent shit, but that doesn't make em the best band in the whole world.

AllWithinMyMonster said:
Lets run a decent normal adult conversation for once.

Good idea. Now broaden your horizons, stop being so close-minded and full of prejudice. Stop throwing shit and "hilarious" puns at people. I'm 17 and I come from Norway. Norway has two languages, I know them both. I also speak German. And English. With less grammar mistakes than you.
ok.. your on!!!! notice my post wont see me til next friday! And I stay away for one week what do i get? I want takingthemusicback and guardianofdarkness gone if i win the bet. and if i lose... i'll leave foreverrrrrrrrr!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
ok.. your on!!!! notice my post wont see me til next friday! And I stay away for one week what do i get? I want takingthemusicback and guardianofdarkness gone if i win the bet. and if i lose... i'll leave foreverrrrrrrrr!

I thought you liked me too. :) Och well. You are a penis.