Shittiest Music Video

Yeah it's mad. I bought it and I tried so hard to like it, but now it's lying in a box, unplayed and unloved. I'll sell it to some idiot eventually - HEY! AllWithinMyMonster! - you want to buy another copy of your favourite album? :lol:
st anger kicks ass.. but we all know that to be true so im gonna stop beating the proverbial dead horse. or wait thats takinthemusicback's mother...make that "beating the dead whore". takingitupthepoopershooter you say frantic vid sucks without even seeing it? your a metallica fagboy (opposite of fanboy) and your a maiden fanboy. you get all hot under the collar when someone insults that high pitch balless wonder bruce lackofadick inson. "Oh maidens so much better because their not on mtv" Oh look at me im so underground. Shut your pot of gold collecting ass up for once you fleshy flute toting titmouse. Nobody wants to here from you. You have about as much intelligence as guardian of darkness. You fucks no nothing of the supreme power which is Metallica. Have you ever been to a concert? No owning cunning stunts does not count. You give st anger 1 listen and your like. oh this is shit. no solos let me go cry while piss drips out of my eye sockets. Shit i gave fucking opeth a 1000 chances. i didnt grasp their musical prowess without opening up my soul mothafucka. But im glad i did. you fuckers cant even appreciate the loads. "Their not metal their for they suck" Tell me a fucking song like low man's lyric sucks. Tell me it to my face. you'll be drinking out of a fucking straw for 2 weeks. You sonsoffaggetts think anything underground is good, and anything popular is shit. I on the other think anything that is good is good, what is shit is shit. Much like philosphy. A is A. A can not be B. A is A. you fuckign numbnutting incubating eunichs! Go get laid and maybe itll open up your hearts. You hate popular music because thats what all the pretty girls listen to. You disdain for the opposite sex has lead you to a alive of subpar music. You think bumping the kermit the frog esque sounds of dying fecal (fetus) is going to make the pain go away? the pain of being shunned from society. I went to the opeth board. Their was a post entitled "post your pics here" or something of that nature. I gaze through a dozen or so pictures. I;ve never in my wildest dreams or in all my years have seen so many ugly fucking faces! Do you guys tan? You need to! Do you guys work out? You need too. Fucking how about proper grooming methods?!?! All i see is a bunch of uncooth slobs on a message board putting down my fucking band that means more to me than life its fucking self. Fran tic tic toc? Did it ever occur to you that it has to do with time running out? Pretty appropriate lyric in my opinion. Nope you guys like psuedo intelligent lyrics like "drink blood from this chalice and hail o lucifer. fucking get real you fucking sissys. you think your fucking hard. i'd pound all your faces into oblivion. but if i did that i'd go to jail for hitting fucking minors. the avg user on here is 14. metallicas been playing while you fuckers were sucking on your daddy's nipple. oh wait that's your mom with facial hair! get some nair and get a clue. Metallica is fucking Lord of metal. Shit they can fucking play britney spears music. NoTHING can tarnish them. They made ride the lightning, master or puppets, fucking and justice. They're legacy has been made. Nothing can crumble it. If you fags spent the amount of time you do bashing metallica on improving your life (education, physical fitness, grooming, getting a higher paying job,) you might have a chance of getting laid. It's a dim chance. But a chance nonetheless. So remember cumtarts. Metallica is Legendary, Metallica is Great, and Metallica is LIFE \m/

The End...You may continue with your regularly scheduled squabbles and below par banter.
Oh well, Allwithinmymonster. I actually TRIED to like St. Anger. I tried, but I failed miserably, because I just can't seem to like that album. The opening riff of "Some Kind Of Monster" is about the only thing that is good on that CD. I'm not a Metallica fan, but even though many of my friends hate them, I openly admit that some songs of "Kill 'em All" are pure gold, and there are also some good songs on Ride The Lightning and And Justice For All (Blackened still gives me goosebumps!). For some strange reason, I prefer Emperor, Borknagar, Immortal, Vital Remains, Dying Fetus and Cryptopsy to Metallica. Does that make me more "tr00" than you? No. The music is the only thing that matters, not the image. What you need to understand is that the music one listens to doesn't always have anything to do with what kind of person one is.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
your a maiden fanboy. You fucks no nothing i"Their not metal their for they suck" sonsoffaggetts fuckign numbnutting incubating eunichs! Go get laid and maybe itll open up your hearts. You hate popular music because thats what all the pretty girls listen to. You disdain for the opposite sex has lead you to a alive of subpar music. You think bumping the kermit the frog esque sounds of dying fecal (fetus) is going to make the pain go away? the pain of being shunned from society. I went to the opeth board. Their was a post entitled "post your pics here" or something of that nature. I gaze through a dozen or so pictures. I;ve never in my wildest dreams or in all my years have seen so many ugly fucking faces! Do you guys tan? You need to! Do you guys work out? You need too. Fucking how about proper grooming methods?!?! All i see is a bunch of uncooth slobs on a message board putting down my fucking band that means more to me than life its fucking self. Fran tic tic toc? Did it ever occur to you that it has to do with time running out? Pretty appropriate lyric in my opinion. Nope you guys like psuedo intelligent lyrics like "drink blood from this chalice and hail o lucifer. fucking get real you fucking sissys. you think your fucking hard. i'd pound all your faces into oblivion. but if i did that i'd go to jail for hitting fucking minors. the avg user on here is 14. metallicas been playing while you fuckers were sucking on your daddy's nipple. oh wait that's your mom with facial hair! get some nair and get a clue. Metallica is fucking Lord of metal. Shit they can fucking play britney spears music. NoTHING can tarnish them. They made ride the lightning, master or puppets, fucking and justice. They're legacy has been made. Nothing can crumble it. If you fags spent the amount of time you do bashing metallica on improving your life (education, physical fitness, grooming, getting a higher paying job,) you might have a chance of getting laid. It's a dim chance. But a chance nonetheless. So remember cumtarts. Metallica is Legendary, Metallica is Great, and Metallica is LIFE \m/

The End...You may continue with your regularly scheduled squabbles and below par banter.

What a bawbag.
I can't believe you typed that mess of spelling and grammatical errors and then told us to get some education! :guh:

Metallica WERE great, WERE legendary, ARE shite.

St Anger is a bag of piss. :lol:
@ Allwithinmymonster.

See, this is why no one likes you. And yes, Metallica sucks. I am just glad Newstead got out of that crap and joined Voivod. He may not get as attention, but at least he is in a group that will go somewhere musically. St. Anger sounds like they threw Metallica in a trash can and sent it down the hill. Upon the realization that they can miraculously hit the strings and drums, they hooked up some mics and did it again.

You say you are tired beating a dead horse? Well we are too. And our horse is bigger.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
st anger kicks ass.. but we all know that to be true so im gonna stop beating the proverbial dead horse. or wait thats takinthemusicback's mother...make that "beating the dead whore". takingitupthepoopershooter you say frantic vid sucks without even seeing it? your a metallica fagboy (opposite of fanboy) and your a maiden fanboy. you get all hot under the collar when someone insults that high pitch balless wonder bruce lackofadick inson. "Oh maidens so much better because their not on mtv" Oh look at me im so underground. Shut your pot of gold collecting ass up for once you fleshy flute toting titmouse. Nobody wants to here from you. You have about as much intelligence as guardian of darkness. You fucks no nothing of the supreme power which is Metallica. Have you ever been to a concert? No owning cunning stunts does not count. You give st anger 1 listen and your like. oh this is shit. no solos let me go cry while piss drips out of my eye sockets. Shit i gave fucking opeth a 1000 chances. i didnt grasp their musical prowess without opening up my soul mothafucka. But im glad i did. you fuckers cant even appreciate the loads. "Their not metal their for they suck" Tell me a fucking song like low man's lyric sucks. Tell me it to my face. you'll be drinking out of a fucking straw for 2 weeks. You sonsoffaggetts think anything underground is good, and anything popular is shit. I on the other think anything that is good is good, what is shit is shit. Much like philosphy. A is A. A can not be B. A is A. you fuckign numbnutting incubating eunichs! Go get laid and maybe itll open up your hearts. You hate popular music because thats what all the pretty girls listen to. You disdain for the opposite sex has lead you to a alive of subpar music. You think bumping the kermit the frog esque sounds of dying fecal (fetus) is going to make the pain go away? the pain of being shunned from society. I went to the opeth board. Their was a post entitled "post your pics here" or something of that nature. I gaze through a dozen or so pictures. I;ve never in my wildest dreams or in all my years have seen so many ugly fucking faces! Do you guys tan? You need to! Do you guys work out? You need too. Fucking how about proper grooming methods?!?! All i see is a bunch of uncooth slobs on a message board putting down my fucking band that means more to me than life its fucking self. Fran tic tic toc? Did it ever occur to you that it has to do with time running out? Pretty appropriate lyric in my opinion. Nope you guys like psuedo intelligent lyrics like "drink blood from this chalice and hail o lucifer. fucking get real you fucking sissys. you think your fucking hard. i'd pound all your faces into oblivion. but if i did that i'd go to jail for hitting fucking minors. the avg user on here is 14. metallicas been playing while you fuckers were sucking on your daddy's nipple. oh wait that's your mom with facial hair! get some nair and get a clue. Metallica is fucking Lord of metal. Shit they can fucking play britney spears music. NoTHING can tarnish them. They made ride the lightning, master or puppets, fucking and justice. They're legacy has been made. Nothing can crumble it. If you fags spent the amount of time you do bashing metallica on improving your life (education, physical fitness, grooming, getting a higher paying job,) you might have a chance of getting laid. It's a dim chance. But a chance nonetheless. So remember cumtarts. Metallica is Legendary, Metallica is Great, and Metallica is LIFE \m/

The End...You may continue with your regularly scheduled squabbles and below par banter.

What a beautiful speech.
But I still think it should be named St. Arnold.
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Abou said:
@ Allwithinmymonster.

See, this is why no one likes you. And yes, Metallica sucks. I am just glad Newstead got out of that crap and joined Voivod. He may not get as attention, but at least he is in a group that will go somewhere musically. St. Anger sounds like they threw Metallica in a trash can and sent it down the hill. Upon the realization that they can miraculously hit the strings and drums, they hooked up some mics and did it again.

You say you are tired beating a dead horse? Well we are too. And our horse is bigger.

Yeah, he's not that bright. Give him some more neagtive rep. Maybe then he'll go away. As of right now, St. Anger is easily the worst CD of the year. The "highlights" of St. Anger include:

One of the worst production jobs I've heard in a long long time.

Terrible drum tech (I'm going to borrow some words from Wes at TMO: "The drums on Transylvanian Hunger sound better than this")

Laughable lyrics

Idiotic song structures

An obscene playing time (Over 70 minutes? Whatever.)

James' horribly inconsistent singing

The complete lack of any semblence of heaviness (this CD is like being beaten with a jello-baseball bat-Zero impact)

The abscence of anything that could resemble a guitar solo
i dont understand why a metallica fanboy who loves them would bother posting on this site...there is no metallica forum here and if hes just going to talk about nothing except metallica on this board then why the hell doesnt he find a metallica forum? its obvious he likes no bands on the site really..retard
actually i like many bands on this site. but i hate everyone who posts here. except takinbackthemusic. hes cool because his stupidity isnt annoying. its just laughable. Metallica fucking owns all. open up your ears. are they clotted by dick resin?
The next album will be thrash. This i garuntee you pansies. But anyhow. Im leaving this fucked up board. I'm going to a metallica board where my opinion can be more appreciated. They welcomed me with open arms. When I first posted here I was mock and ridiculed for no apparent reason. You guys seriously need to learn some manners. To all of my friends on this board. I'll miss you dearly. To all of my foes. Drop dead.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
st anger kicks ass.. but we all know that to be true so im gonna stop beating the proverbial dead horse. or wait thats takinthemusicback's mother...make that "beating the dead whore". takingitupthepoopershooter you say frantic vid sucks without even seeing it? your a metallica fagboy (opposite of fanboy) and your a maiden fanboy. you get all hot under the collar when someone insults that high pitch balless wonder bruce lackofadick inson. "Oh maidens so much better because their not on mtv" Oh look at me im so underground. Shut your pot of gold collecting ass up for once you fleshy flute toting titmouse. Nobody wants to here from you. You have about as much intelligence as guardian of darkness. You fucks no nothing of the supreme power which is Metallica. Have you ever been to a concert? No owning cunning stunts does not count. You give st anger 1 listen and your like. oh this is shit. no solos let me go cry while piss drips out of my eye sockets. Shit i gave fucking opeth a 1000 chances. i didnt grasp their musical prowess without opening up my soul mothafucka. But im glad i did. you fuckers cant even appreciate the loads. "Their not metal their for they suck" Tell me a fucking song like low man's lyric sucks. Tell me it to my face. you'll be drinking out of a fucking straw for 2 weeks. You sonsoffaggetts think anything underground is good, and anything popular is shit. I on the other think anything that is good is good, what is shit is shit. Much like philosphy. A is A. A can not be B. A is A. you fuckign numbnutting incubating eunichs! Go get laid and maybe itll open up your hearts. You hate popular music because thats what all the pretty girls listen to. You disdain for the opposite sex has lead you to a alive of subpar music. You think bumping the kermit the frog esque sounds of dying fecal (fetus) is going to make the pain go away? the pain of being shunned from society. I went to the opeth board. Their was a post entitled "post your pics here" or something of that nature. I gaze through a dozen or so pictures. I;ve never in my wildest dreams or in all my years have seen so many ugly fucking faces! Do you guys tan? You need to! Do you guys work out? You need too. Fucking how about proper grooming methods?!?! All i see is a bunch of uncooth slobs on a message board putting down my fucking band that means more to me than life its fucking self. Fran tic tic toc? Did it ever occur to you that it has to do with time running out? Pretty appropriate lyric in my opinion. Nope you guys like psuedo intelligent lyrics like "drink blood from this chalice and hail o lucifer. fucking get real you fucking sissys. you think your fucking hard. i'd pound all your faces into oblivion. but if i did that i'd go to jail for hitting fucking minors. the avg user on here is 14. metallicas been playing while you fuckers were sucking on your daddy's nipple. oh wait that's your mom with facial hair! get some nair and get a clue. Metallica is fucking Lord of metal. Shit they can fucking play britney spears music. NoTHING can tarnish them. They made ride the lightning, master or puppets, fucking and justice. They're legacy has been made. Nothing can crumble it. If you fags spent the amount of time you do bashing metallica on improving your life (education, physical fitness, grooming, getting a higher paying job,) you might have a chance of getting laid. It's a dim chance. But a chance nonetheless. So remember cumtarts. Metallica is Legendary, Metallica is Great, and Metallica is LIFE \m/

The End...You may continue with your regularly scheduled squabbles and below par banter.

I like Load, and parts of Reload. I own every Metallica album. I still think St Anger sucks. I still think you're an irritating prat. Shh.
i guarantee the next album will be either A. much much worse than st. anger or B. a little bit more developed st. anger, either way theyll never be able to make good thrash again, not after giving up on it in their prime. they deserve death.

oh and Allwithin, glad you finally realize that we all hate metallica b/c we are all simple minded pricks with an education and were gay and we love our shitty carcass music and that underground music=the best while popular music=pussy britney spears bullshit.:)

get off the board already jesus christ, you finally realized to go find a metallica board?
shit the only reason why u listen to your shitty music is becuz a chick like britney spears wouldnt give you the time of day. For the few of you that have gf's. What happens when your at the grocery store and the cashier asks you for paper or plastic? But refers to bagging your gf's face not the grocerys which sit before you? Does that hurt? Is that why you attempt to alleviate the pain with some nice soothing crapass? Dying fecal? Dimmu Boregu?
Heh, you refer to me in an earlier post about my intelligence, yet nothing you've said refers to me. I don't even like the bands whose names you've punned so badly.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
The next album will be thrash. This i garuntee you pansies. But anyhow. Im leaving this fucked up board. I'm going to a metallica board where my opinion can be more appreciated. They welcomed me with open arms. When I first posted here I was mock and ridiculed for no apparent reason. You guys seriously need to learn some manners. To all of my friends on this board. I'll miss you dearly. To all of my foes. Drop dead.

You've said that how many times now? You're never going to leave. And if you leave UM to go to a Metallica forum, that's very sad. Fuck your opinions. If you would've just said "I like St. Anger" and not get all defensive when people tell you that you listen to shit, there would be no problem. Now go, and if I ever see you post here again, I will dedicate my life to flaming each and every post you make, until I force you out.