Sexy Music

Ifurin said:
:lol: Oh Graeme.

:Spin: You may give me a birthday kiss, Ifurin "Red Ken" Thompson.

GoD said:
You may have your degrees Henrik, but you were a sub-par left back and are a sub-par assistant commentator.

SUB-PAR? Graeme was a vital part of Blackburn's Premiership winning 1994/1995 team, and was ROCK SOLID the rest of his career (even in S'oton).
Episteme said:
Camel is great to root someone to.

Yeah Stationary Traveler was obvious made with the goal of having people fuck to it. Some of their other stuff (ie Raylander Goes to Town) may be a little odd.

I once put on Skepticism when a girlfriend asked what doom metal sounded like and I swear she thought I was gonna kill her. I really should have put on Stormcrowfleet instead of Farmakon. Anyhow most girls tend to be turned off by metal, and I can't say I find it to be the sexiest music either, romantic often, but sexy... no. Usually I stick to stuff like Fiona Apple, Mazzy Star and so forth...


I'm thinking I've won this round.
Afortunately, that's not my case.
Once I put Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness :headbang: - and my ex bf told me: 'Turn that shit off!!!' fucking retarded... Thank Behemoth I'm no longer with him. Piece of shit...

crimsonfloyd said:
I once put on Skepticism when a girlfriend asked what doom metal sounded like and I swear she thought I was gonna kill her. I really should have put on Stormcrowfleet instead of Farmakon. Anyhow most girls tend to be turned off by metal, and I can't say I find it to be the sexiest music either, romantic often, but sexy... no. Usually I stick to stuff like Fiona Apple, Mazzy Star and so forth...
funny thread

guitarist in my band always boasts about how he rams his gf to Metallica's Battery, the image of which we always find pretty amusing.

Personally, I've always thought of Kiss as pretty apt in this area!
Depends what kind of a mood you're in, I suppose.

Feeling evil and dirty? Go for some black.
In need of feeling like you're in power and domineering? Death.
Desire to headbang into your partner's face? Thrash.
Sodomy? Speed.

or you could just enjoy the sounds of your partner's breathing + moans. wow.
We should make fuck sometime. I think it would be interesting given those responses. Emotionally worthless, but interesting. :p