Shittiest Music Video

he CANT leave, hes fallen in love with us, especially takinthemusicback. hmm i dont think ive ever been to the grocery store with my gf, what purpose would shopping serve for a 15 year old and a 14 year old? allwithin mustve had some pretty bad female experiences for him to post something like that about our gf's, whats wrong guy? daddy didnt love you enough?
takintheback was buying condoms for the first time. He's such a cherry he was looking for "C"ondom's in the "C"D section. He thought everything was in alphabetical order. What a dipshit!

P.S FFANATIC I'm your friend. And your the man who i was thinking of when i said "to all my friends, ill miss you dearly" <3
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you do realize that none of that makes any sense at all right? the closest logical thing i can think of as to what you said was that takinthemusicback was looking for condoms in the cd section, therefore he bought st. anger b/c its red like cherry condoms are, st anger is one of them shitty condoms too the kind that are shitty and full of bad production
becuz why would a fucking old woman ask about st anger at a fucking store u dimwit. anyways thats not the point. you said whats a matter daddy didnt love me enough? Maybe. But i think your problem is. Daddy loved you "too" much.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
takintheback was buying condoms for the first time. He's such a cherry he was looking for "C"ondom's in the "C"D section. He thought everything was in alphabetical order. What a dipshit!

P.S FFANATIC I'm your friend. And your the man who i was thinking of when i said "to all my friends, ill miss you dearly" <3

No friend of mine would insult in such a childish (my God, do you even read some of the things you say; you come off like a 4 year old) other people who have a higher intelligence AND better musical taste. No matter. You came back. To the ignore list you go.
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you have the worst comebacks ever to grace my eyes. and no my dad has never tried to rape me guy. dont worry ive watched my fathers hand. well anyway where does this old woman come in from? your litle joke about condoms and cd sections had no implication of a woman of eldery sorts. you sir are an idiot.
Here, for mainly my own amusement, is a brief impression of you:

lol takinthepenisback u idot do u have an ugly g/f becuz u sure cant get any britney spears chix. r u gay? duz ur daddy touch you at night? looks like it. y do u mock me 4 liking st anger? i dont mock your tastes. OPETH SUCK OMG Y DOES NE1 LIKE DIMMU BORGIR OH DYING FECAL GOD DAMMIT Y WONT ANYONE LISTEN 2 MY OPINIONS?! i dont like the people at this board cept the ones that agree with me. just give st anger a chance!!!!!! its an incredble album! U DONT LIKE IT? WTF R U ON? U WOUDNLT NO GOOD MUSIC IF IT HIT U IN THE FACE, I BET UR GF WAS HIT IN THE FACE THOUGH? OR IS IT BF? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
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lmfao guardian. your the fucking funniest pubeless 14 yr old on here. your probably laughing your ass off right now eh? with tears rolling down your acne covered cheeks? is that your leg in your avatar? Kinda resembles a cheeto. You should change it. probably getting all you skinny shits hungry. get off the pc and go eat you bony bastards. your musical tastes would make a mongoloid chuckle. its sad when your only friend in life is a pc. sorry if i hit close to home on anyone of you.
Ah, I underestimated you, your wit far surpasses me. Never have I thought to use such offensive remarks as 'your leg resembles a cheeto', mainly because my 14 year old mind hasn't been corrupted yet. Maybe, when I finally hit puberty, I'll begin to like St Anger because, of course, St Anger is mature music for mature people.
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yeah, next time you can stay in there and continue to make love to alice cooper who I also keep in there DAMMIT