Describe yourself Thread


I need some booze!
May 29, 2003
fucking Germany
i think that will be an interesting thread :)
tell something about you!
okay, i´ll start. i´m a bit quiet, sometimes shy person but i think that´s my father´s guilty. he´s got no nerves and he hit me very often when i was a child. if i started to cry, he became more brutal. i´ve hated him and asked myself why i´m alive. he always screamed bad swearings at me, if i said something against it, i became to hear: "shut the fuck up or i´ll hit you again or throw you out of the window!" i was always afraid of him. but since some years it´s better. he hits me no longer. and if he did, i would take my scythe! *hähä* i think, you understand now why i´m like that. but my friends know that i lose shyness if i know someone better.
i must be crazy because everyone tells me that. i think it´s because of my taste of music and the things i like (tatoos, fast car´s and so on). and when i´m drunk, i´m more crazy. then i often do funny, crazy or stupid things *muhaha* my friends remember a lot of funny situations they had with me. we always start to laugh when we talk about that :) i even brought Henkka to laugh when i met him after a concert this year. he asked me to tell him some finnish words. the first two words which run through my brain were "kippis" (cheers) and "apua" (help) *muhaha*
i´m interested in middle ages. that´s why i´ve got an celtic symbol tatoo. i love travelling. finland is the greatest country i´ve ever been and i hope that i can go there next year again. i´ll see...

i hope, i haven´t shocked someone *grin*
now it´s your turn ;)
I would say i'm a pretty unserious person that laughs at almost everything sarcastically.
I'm also pretty addicted to being at the computer and listening to music.
I'm sort of a sport geek too, as i play soccer alot and lift weights.
I consider myself a pretty all-round person since i'm both a geek, a metalhead and a jock at the same time :lol:
When it comes to my parents and the way i live there aren't really any interesting stories actually.
They are regular swedish conservative boring people, who certainly weren't expecting a rebellious metalhead when they got me :p
My life right now circulates on getting a new girlfriend, which im working on.
The plans for the future are to get decent grades in school and go to a lot of heavy metal concerts.

Edit: and by the way, good thread concept ;)
@stefan: thanks...i´ve thought, it would be nice to know a bit more from each other here at, i created that thread :)
I'm a quiet shy person. Didnt have a great childhood but I wouldnt blame it on that, I'm just not very outgoing by nature. I'm sarcastic in a funny way a lot aswell with my friends and such. I like to get drunk, fuck knows what i'm like drunk, apparently I'm just the same only more laid back and not as quiet with more confidence.
Right now my life is going around in circles sorta, computer, lift weights or something, go out, drink.
My parents are seperated, for the better, I dont mind it actually.
My dress sense is wierd... I wear jeans, and something like a long or short sleeved shirt, sport jackets... and I'm generally taken for granted that I listen to Dance and Trance :lol:.
Meh, Languages I speak are Irish and english, fluently ofcourse. Not a lot of people now can speak irish, its a minority, I'm one of those people :)

My plans for the future are to stay in education and become a web designer or a computer engineer. Go to a lot of fucking concerts :D and work on getting a girlfriend, I need one :( and to get a part time job somewhere so I can pay off some things and for once have some money.
With people I don't know, I'm a bit quiet and shy.. but when I'm with my friends I'm a totally different person. Since I don't have a job, and school starts in a month, my life also circles around gettin a girlfriend.. I don't have anything else to think about. Well I play the guitar but I have no motivation.. and my guitar sucks. My whole life is really fucking boring, now that I think about it. Next year I'm going to the army, that will be interesting. And hopefully I will soon find an apartment in a nearby city so I can finally move away from home.
Great thread btw... though I'm not very good at describing myself.
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@Julma Jurmu: With people I don't know, I'm a bit quiet and shy.. but when I'm with my friends I'm a totally different person.

Same here. I dont know what else i could tell.

Ask, if you want to know something :D
I'm a rational man, I like to joke around a lot and do fun stuff; but I have little toleration for stupid shit, close minds, and disrespectful people. I'm a considerate, caring, and giving person. I value respect and honesty above all. I don't get angry easily.
I absolutely love metal. I also like swimming, football (soccer), drawing, and drums.
I live a pretty harsh life right now. I don't have much, I'm poor, I'm in a lot of debt, problems, bills etc.., I don't get along with my family, and I usually seem to have bad luck most of the time.
One good thing I have going on right now is my education. I'm the top engineering student at the University of Rochester..(I hate it, but it is one of the best in the country)
When I'm drunk I can be silly and friendly but I can easily get control of myself and you would not even know I'm wasted drunk.
In a couple of years I'll be making very decent money and I'd be happy to help out a fellow metalhead in need. You'd just have to ask if you want a cd, help, a place to stay..

EDIT: Actually, If you want to know how I am you should probably ask Zsuzsa : p (hmm.. god knows what she would say...)
I'm a bit surprised (in a positive way!) that so many ppl here said they were shy...well, so am I! In fact, I'm UNBELIEVABLY fucking shy...except when I'm drunk, that is. And I love to get shitfaced :D you should have seen me going crazy last saturday night (or sunday morning...), you'd have laughed your asses off... oh well! :lol:
I don't really know what "caused" my shyness...okay, some of it is kinda natural, and I'm sure being a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person; we're a minority, about 15-20% of the population) contributed to it. Also, I got bullied at school from ages 4 to 18 almost constantly (and yes, bullying DESTROYS you, fucks up your life...BUT BELIEVE ME, THOSE FUCKING CUNTS ARE GOING TO PAY!!!! I HOPE MY SCYTHE TASTES GOOD, MOTHERFUCKERS!!) I got kicked off school last year because of a nervous breakdown, and since it was some kinda specialized art school thingy and art is the most important thing in my life, I WENT THROUGH HELL. The summer of 2002 was by far the worst time in my life, there's no words to describe it, and I'm still recovering from it one year after.
Luckily, I found out about a homeschooling institute in Hamburg (Germany), so I'm doing homeschooling now; the course prepares for the high school diploma (Abitur), but since I had done that specialized art thingy before and was out of practise for some subjetcs (Math, German grammar, ...) I chose the course that goes more from the beginning on, so it will take me quite some time.
I hope I’ll graduate one day so I can study art and film.
I’m obsessed with painting, and I’m also an art history animal (the GOTHIQUE FLAMBOYANT style fascinates me). My favourite movie is « Repulsion » by Roman Polanski.
Oh yes, I also have a thing about outdoor lighting, and started collecting decorative lanterns when I was 12 ; I have over 300 of them now(I store them in a tiny room next to my bedroom), and recently I also got very interested in « modern » streetlights. I actually run around and take photos of them ! But thanks to the internet I found out that there are many streetlite nuts like me !
I was born to a single mother, my parents have never been married...yes, I’m fuckin’ « illegitimate »...and proud of it ! Prejudices and stereotypes about single mothers (they’re all whores, and welfare queens, and bla bla bla motherfuckin’ blaaa) PISS ME OFF LIKE HELL ! My mom has a decent education and an alright job, and she’s not fat, so SHOVE YOUR PREJUDICES UP YOUR SORRY ASS ! !
I love music, especially metal of course. As a kid, I was into classical music and a die-hard Mozart fan. Unfortunately I never had the benefits of a classical music education...which kinda haunts me, so I got a tattoo which says METAL SALIERI...with some gothique flamboyant tracery.
I used to play keyboards, and also acoustic guitar...but school took all my energy so I could never really concentrate on music...WHICH SUCKS !
But now that I have more time, I decided to do a new beginning, and learn to play bass. I’d so love to get more in touch with music again !
I live in Luxembourg-City, I speak Luxembourgish, German, French and English...I’ve got my mom’s last name (Reckinger) which is a typically Luxembourgish name, but my father is of Italian origins, which explains my « latina » features. There are many Portuguese immigrants where I live, so I often get asked if I’m Portuguese. I’m also kinda sanguine (« hot-tempered » if u least my mom says so !). And I like mediterranean food, but who doesn’t :)
My idols are Tairrie B, Frida Kahlo and Jane Campion.
A very special day in my life was June 29th, 1996.
And that was about it...
1. shy
2. short (174cm)
3. Too fucking short hair atm
4. very short tempered
5. my friends say that i drive a car like a maniac
6. i like beer
7. sometimes i get the urge to fucking rip hip hoppers spines out and give 'em to my dogs
8. i like to :headbang:

ooh well.. w00t evö
I'm not sure, if I can describe myself well... but I'll try :)

I guess I'm kinda happy girl, I'm not shy anymore, though I used to be... Now ppl tell me, that I talk (too :p ) much and that I've got a crazy sense of humour, which is probably true :D
When I'm with our daughter, I can see she's got some influences from both of us (me & my husband), we're both just as crazy :loco: Even she's got a wild imagination and a great sense of humour!

When I'm at work, I try to behave as well as I can, but hardly ever succeed in that... Even my co-workers say that I'm weird.

That's about it, a crazy woman, who talks too much :wave:
i hate people, i sometime hate them a bit less when i know 'em, and when i consider someone been my friend i become very friendly and loyal.. i've been a nice kid with good notes at school and cute short hair til my mother leaves my father, then i just decide i wouln't talk to my mother no more and stay with my father. i was 12 and i never cutted my hair since, i've began to lsiten to metal.. but i start to think and look around, discovered how people we're gay and how almost everyone are selfish and think of having fun and just wanna fuck with each other. i considered myself quite lucky to understand this and decide i would NOT be a normal person, in fact i do everything to be different, cuz the guy-next-door is actually a big cooksucker who will die someday... i don't want my life to be like that.. i play bass 3 or 4 hour a day, i listen to musik all day long..that's about it.. when in school i write poem or draw.. i still keep good notes(well..decent note) and my teachers usually hates me..

now i just turned 15 ans hope in 5 years or so i'll be making music and living anywhere except where i am now..

EDIT:really cool, i read it all, great idea ;)
1. I think I'm a good judge of character, but I often end up understanding what other people want far more clearly than what I want.

2. I tend to keep a distance to people, even if I seem to trust them on the surface. I dislike appearing dependant on anyone.

3. I hate showing too much of myself on online boards :p
COBabe said:
my friends know that i lose shyness if i know someone better.
i'm starting to guess that's pretty normal, cuz i'm like that too :D

i used to be very naughty when i was a kid, i often entered girls' bathroom in school in order to help'em (yeah help :devil: ) i had a damn nice childhood, i really miss those times !:cry: also miss some old friends i never talked to anymore.i was born in a not very known city of Brazil (Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte) then moved to Rio, moved to Brasilia (our capital, if there's somebody who might still think it's Buenos Aires...) and here i am in Rio again. i like to go out with my gf, hang around with my friends (the bitch of Tut is one of them, btw, when i was a kid i did'nt like him, i thought he was a pussie :lol: ), drive my lamborghini murcielago as well as make up some stories. somehow it's sad i don't have any musical ability (my sister does .. she plays the keyboards since she was really really young), like to listen to metal, some classical (ludwig van kicksomeass \m/ ) and other styles, i'm kinda eclectic, oh i also like freddy mercury :lol: that's my mom's fault... i like to read (when i'm not lazy, wich i'm almost all of the time), read magazines, from playboy to national geographic... i must do something about my lazyness cause i must pass the college entrance exams this year... and become a surgeon. (i won't have a scythe but a sharp scalpel is fine for me)

there's more but i guess that's enough. let's read more descriptions, i've read all of them so far.

PS.: if any girl needs some "help" in the bathroom, PM me :heh: