Detailed Review: Evilheart and Amon Amarth - February 11, 2005/


Here is a detailed chronicle of our activies before, during and after the show with Amon Amarth. Sorry about the quality of the pictures, but I couldn't get a better camera. We were notified about the Amon Amarth show by promoter Reyes Amaro of Dark Vission during the first week of January. Immediately I designed the flyer (see above) and we began to practice very hard for the show. We left Culiacán (our hometown) on February 9. After a 20 hours long bus trip we arrived to Monterrey and met with Reyes. We hanged out, played Xbox and watched some movies and videos.

.:: Dark Vission TV ::.

The day of the show there was scheduled an interview for TV show "Dark Vission TV." We arrived around 12:30 pm. Johan Hegg and Ted Lundström were being already interviewed. They also did a TV spot greeting for the show, and another one encouraging people to attend the upcoming Monterrey Metal Fest. After they finished we were interviewed and we did the TV spots as well. It was our first interview on the TV, and it was fun to do.

.:: Souncheck ::.

At 5:00pm there was an autograph session with Amon Amarth at Dark Vission shop. Later we left to the venue Café Iguana. Amon Amarth did their soundcheck, and then we did ours

.:: Evilheart ::

We took the stage around 9:00 pm. We opened with "Buried In Ice." Then we played "Ice Sword Revenger," "In Other Lands," "Lycanthropic Possession," "The Black Chasm" and we finished our set with a brand new song "Oath Of Apostasy" and Pantera's classic "Fucking Hostile" (RIP Dimebag). The response from the crowd was awesome.

.:: Amon Amarth ::.

Amon Amarth took the stage around 10:00pm and Johan Hegg was wearing an Evilheart t-shirt. They opened with "An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm," which is the opening song from their latest album "Fate Or Norns." The sound was crushing and devastating. Johan took his Evilheart t-shirt off and unleashed "For The Stabwounds In Our Backs." The next songs were "Masters Of War," "The Last With Pagan Blood," "The Pursuit Of Vikings," "The Fate Of Norns," "Ride For Vengeance," "Where Silent Gods Stand Guard," "Bastards Of A Lying Breed," "Valkyries Ride," "Metalwrath," "Versus The World," "Victorious March," and "Death In Fire." Then they left the stage. The crowd screamed for more songs, and Amon Amarth returned to "Bleed For Ancient Gods" and ended with "Friends Of The Suncross" (The first Amon Amarth song I listened to long time ago). I think the set list was awesome, however I missed "God, His Son, And Only Whore" which is my fave Amon Amarth song. The reaction from the crowd was awesome, and Johan Hegg delighted the audience by drinking a beer with the mexican saying "Arriba, abajo, pa' centro, adentro!!!" (Translation "Up, down, center, drink!!!).

.:: Backstage ::.

After the show we hanged with the Amon Amarth guys. It was very cool to know Fredrik Andersson had already listened to us. He saw the "My band Evilheart to play with Amon Amarth - Feb 11 - Monterrey, México" thread at Amon Amarth's official forum and he downloaded our songs. We drank beer with Johan Hegg and gave Evilheart stuff to all the guys.

We would like to thank to Reyes Amaro, Gilberto González and everybody at Dark Vission for their support. All our friends in Monterrey, NL., the people who attented to the show and supported us, and specially to Amon Amarth for being an impressive live act and very cool guys.

Stay Metal \m/

Rodolfo - Evilheart
Good report and pics!

Out of curiosity, how many people were at the show? I've never been to a show down there so I just wonder how big of a scene it is.
Hail Kupshi!

There were like 300-400 people. For shows of international metal bands (underground bands) the attendance can be from 200 up to 1,500 persons, depending on the band, city, venue, and price of the ticket. For big metal bands the attendance can be 5,000 or even more. When I saw Pantera in México City back in 1997 there were like 10,000 people.

Stay Metal \m/

Rodolfo - Evilheart
In general, is metal popular Latin America? There are quite a number of latinos in metal bands but usually theyre not Latin american bands. I remember being filled with awe when I heard about Sepultura for the first time... whatever
mmmh Rodolfo, if "God, His Son and Holy Whore" is your favorite song maybe you should get it right... you spelt it "God, His Son and Only Whore"... :grin:

anyway thanks for the cool pics and review. good luck and all.

@TheLastWithPaganBlood : well of course there are latino metal bands :p metal is (almost) everywhere. but i admit i was kinda like that too at first, but when i discovered the metal-archives site and saw the number of metal bands from each country, my prejudices were gone :)