Devin Townsend - Synchestra

You're not, because I love Accelerated Evolution too. I was really hoping to hear a couple songs from that album when I see DTB with Opeth this Friday, but now I won't since their set will probably consist of mostly new songs...
MrFast said:
I dislike Devin's Skullet. Man it's so odd-looking, baldness+mullet=me taking out my P90 and raging out on n00bs.
What a disservice I'd be doing myself if I only listened to music that featured physically attractive artists.

Oh yeah I really like Accelerated Evolution as well. For me, it's pretty much even with Terria.
Beelzebub said:
What a disservice I'd be doing myself if I only listened to music that featured physically attractive artists.
Lemme re-phrase that. Baldness+mullet=me taking out my P90 and raging out on n00bs while listening to Devin Townsend's solo stuff.
P90's aren't even that good from what I've seen in that game... I got pwn3d every time because it's a stupid payload weapon where you're supposed shoot blindly until they die...

I prefer the good ol' AUG.

I agree with that, I don't like SMG's at all in CS. My stats clearly indicates that, but it's just a really cool weapon in Goldeneye 64 :D. I'm an AK47 type of guy in CS.
Love him or hate him, you should at least respect his un-fuckin-believable screaming abilitys. If you want to know what its like to get raped in the ear listen to the album Alien from SYL as loud as you can...

I also saw him at the last concert and I didnt like DTB at all, thought it was to boring and weird, so I forgot about him, then I heard a song off Alien and was blown away.
I will say that not all of Devy's solo stuff sounds as good live as it does on disc....there are a lot of layered vocals that can't be reproduced (unless using a DAT tape)...and there is only so much the keyboard player can do to fill the gaps......the ltd ed of Synchestra has a live dvd and the stuff off Accelerated Evolution probably translates the best to a live setting.
The Yngster said:
Does he ever play Depth Charge live?

Not sure, but I was dissapointed when he didn't play it on the tour with would have made for an awesome opener. Accelerated Evolution is good for what it is, but it doesn't measure up to the real progressive albums...OM, Terria, and now Synchestra (which I have been playing constantly). Triumph, Gaia, and Notes From Africa just plain rule. And lay off the polka's short, and a clever inversion of the Vampira melody. Exactly the sort of unpredictability I've come to expect from Devy. It's Babysong I actively dislike. :)
Taliwakker said:
Beelz wrote

How can you like Terria and not like Synchestra...thats like saying you like Heaven and Hell but don't like Mob Rules.

I like Synchestra a lot, but I feel that there are parts of it that are not that great, whereas I find his other stuff to be homogeneously delightful.