Devin Townsend?


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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OK, here's a guy whose name comes up so often (usually with great reverence and awe) that I just have to ask if anybody here has an opinion on him. I've not heard note one of Strapping Young Lad or any of his other (numerous) projects. Someone enlighten me. I'm thinking there must be something there since the praise I read is usually of the measure of devotion similar to, say, Opeth. Not that they are similar bands (I imagine) but his fans are apeshit for him. Help me out here....

Last, I ask this question because it was posted on Blabbermouth today that he may tour the states as an opener for Opeth in February. Interesting too, since isn't it his drummer who has been filling in for Martin Lopez of late (Gene Hoagland)? Also, what's the word on Lopez if anyone knows. I'm thinking he didn't play ANY of the USA dates, or possibly European for that matter.
In addition to SYL and his solo projects, he did vocals on Steve Vai's "Sex and Religeon". He's also a producer. That's all I know of his resumee, and as far as his level of talent, it is quite high. He's an excellent guitarist/vocalist/keyboardist.
He has done 4 albums with Strapping Young Lad , which is kind of a modern thrash/industrial metal band. most people think that "City" is their best and most aggressive album. It's truly unique and very brutal, while some of the lyrics are pretty funny actually. In general, they're not taking themselves too seriously.

Then, Townsends solo records are totally different from SYL and also different from each other:
-"Ocean Machine" is a really epic, totally original progressive metal album, with
a wonderful relaxed atmosphere, nothing like generic prog...just beautiful, and heavy!
-"Infinity" is his craziest work. the feel is not as epic as on Ocean Machine, but the songs themselves are so extraordinary. Lots of weird noises and vocals, heavily distorted guitars... really, no two songs sound the same here. Takes some time to get into, definitely!
-"Terria" is similar to Ocean Machine, but I'd say it's more song-oriented, where Ocean Machine was more about the whole thing. Some of his best songs are on Terria: Earth Song, Deep Peace, Canada. beautiful melodies, some parts also remind of the Infinity album in terms of "weird ideas" and "over-the-top-ness". (?)
-"Physicist" is labeled by Townsend himself as "pop metal", I think. It's basically Strapping Young Lad with a more catchy and up-beat feel to it. Again, highly original! Not one of my favourites,though.
-"Devin Townsend Band" is his latest project. the album "Accelerated Evolution" is in some parts similar to Ocean Machine but then there also some really pop oriented songs on it. Awesome guitar solos on "Away", "Deadhead" and "Suicide", many many great melodies. Definitely a catchy record, but there also some lengthy epic songs.

My ranking:

1.Ocean Machine
3.Devin Townsend Band
ElectricWiz- if you like Opeth and i do, i highlky recomend you try Devin's music, i have Infinity, Accelerated Evolution and SYL's new one, Alien, and while he has his own,, unique style, each album is realy different and really exciting......i find myself laughing while listening to Infinity at the pure genius of his songwritting.
Awsome shit man......go for it

THANKS ALL! I will indeed pick a couple of the titles suggested and give 'er a go. I always have the time and inclination to give someone with a big catalogue a shot. If one likes 'em, you got a whole bunch of new stuff to discover.

Cool, then, and these were all helpful answers!
Devin's one of my favorite artists outside of the old school world, the guy can do it all :) Heavy, emotional, dark, light, fast, intimate, brutal, melodic, experimental...
Alex78 already said what needs to be said anyway.

My SYL ranking :
1/ City (awesome! kind of "apocalyptic metal", brutal yet atmospheric and even melodic)
2/ Alien (almost as good as City IMO, one of my faves of 2005)
3/ SYL (not their best but still a killer record)
4/ Heavy As A Really Heavy Thing (not that good, lots of fillers...)

As for his solo albums :
1/ Ocean Machine (as emotional and spacey as it gets, very original, a masterpiece)
2/ Infinity (demented music! and I love it, but it's definitely his less accessible work)
3/ Terria (beautiful once again, great musical landscapes)
4/ Accelerated Evolution (more song-oriented than everything else and "poppy", well done)
5/ Physicist (quite good but underdevelopped IMO, very heavy)
I am going to see SYL play with Arch Enemy on December 12th.

I only have Alien so I am going to pick up the other SYL albums on the weekend.
I've got a couple of the SYL cds. They're definately very aggressive and industrial sounding.... not really my cup of tea unless really i'm in the mood for it. Haven't picked up any of his solo disks yet.
Devin is a hilarious guy as well on stage, with his banters. His hair is enough to make anybody laugh too