DF UK tour

Why oh why will they not take you guys on their tours! :(

Perhaps they are worried about being blown off the stage by the 'Quest' :p
Don dokken said:
Why oh why will they not take you guys on their tours! :(

Perhaps they are worried about being blown off the stage by the 'Quest' :p

Of course.

I went to see Parcelforce four times before realising that sado-masochism just wasn't my thing.
Well, actually, I kinda realised on the third time, but went again because I'm fair... and for a laugh.

1st time: OMFUCKINGG FAST!!11!!1!!
2nd time: Oh. Fast.
3rd time: Yawn. Fast.
4th time: Walked out after third song. Or was it the second? Or the ninth? Is this gig just one phrase over and over!? Oh God! My wife! My LITTLE CHILDREN!!! TURN BACK! HAVE WE GOT ENOUGH PETROL TO GET FAR ENOUGH AWAY!? IF THERE IS A GOD, PLEASE, HELP!!!!
Robbie Nekoda said:
Of course.

I went to see Parcelforce four times before realising that sado-masochism just wasn't my thing.

Eh he he, it's funny because Parcelforce don't deliver the goods. :p
Don dokken said:
Eh he he, it's funny because Parcelforce don't deliver the goods. :p

Right on the money! :lol:

I'm going to go before I convert this into an Anti-Arseforce thread.

...But I'll do it when I return. :lol:


DragonForce are more than just "fast"... I can't believe for one second that someone who likes PQ could dislike DF.

I'm shocked and appauled.

*points the finger of shame*

Power_Metal_Dom said:
I can't believe for one second that someone who likes PQ could dislike DF.


Oh boy, if you knew the truth... :lol:

Anyway: Parcelforce: The same song for three albums. Full of themselves, uncaring about any part of you except your wallet. Fucking wankers, the very people that are wrong with the music industry.

And that's just the quick version.

I've never had such a total lack of respect for someone's musical taste. You could not be more wrong, in my opinion.

Anyway, I'll supress the rant, save my valuable finger energy and just live happy and basking in the glory of knowing how utterly twisted your concepts of DF are. :D :D :D

The support sucks. All that remains??? All the sucks more like.

Hehe...yeah...take THAT. :p
Power_Metal_Dom said:
Hehe...yeah...take THAT. :p

Look mate, I don't care what crappy pop acts you like, you can shove them up your arse! ;)

It's not disrespect to your musical taste - I DO think your musical taste is poor, but if you want to spend £45 on three CDs of the same song, that's your decision.

What DOES piss me off is that is only part of the issue. Have you met the band? Absolute FUCKING DICKHEADS. I knew them for a brief amount of time - I'm not claiming to have been their best friend or anything, but you know. Anyway, in that time, I found they were in themselves disrespectful, very openly disrespectful, a very "better than you" attitude, completely over the top. They, as I said, don't give a shit about anything except spending the money people seem so eager to throw at them, and hey: I don't see three constantly evolving original albums like PQ, I see the first: With what I thought then was miniscule diversity, and two more that scream "Fuck it, let's get this out there, the wankers will lick this up".

And you have! And you've let quality bands like Power Quest, who started on an even keel as them back in the day, fall way behind commercially when Power Quest should be up there in the spotlight.

THAT'S what's wrong with this picture. It's fucking disgusting.

Come on DF's tracks aren't all the same I mean compare Starfire to something like Revelations they sound nothing alike!!!
And what did I just say about the first album?
When i got Sonic Firestorm i loved DF, it was awesome, but i just cannot listen to Inhuman Rampage, Through the fire and flames (if that's the right title) is literally a carbon copy of one of the songs on SF (though i can't tell you which, i just heard it on radio 1 ages ago and thought i was listening to a track from SF, right down to the vocal melody).

I also couldn't really get into their first album, though i didn't give it too many tries to be fair.

All this could just be beacuse i have Robbie and others feeding me rants about them though, but i think i just got tired of DF a bit. Though i did think about going along to one of their shows on this tour as they're coming to Bristol, but i don't think i'd have anyone to go with :cry:

Incidentally i think it's very possible for someone who likes PQ to not like DF as they're very different forms of power metal!
I'll just let that totally retarded, ignorant and unprovoked post speak for itself.

It's just too mind numbingly fucking moronic.

Here I am defending a band I like on a post about the band and I'm getting "crappy pop acts" what? I mean... WHAT? I don't like ANY pop acts...what the fuck is this idiot on about? He doesn't even KNOW my musical taste and he's decided it's poor???

Seriously, grow the fuck up man. Get your head straight and learn not to talk shit about stuff you know nothing about.

/ rant
Power_Metal_Dom said:
I'll just let that totally retarded, ignorant and unprovoked post speak for itself.

Or you could point out the MANY, MANY flaws in it.

Get your head straight and learn not to talk shit about stuff you know nothing about.

And ironically, you know nothing about my knowledge.

Man, I rule. *Flexes manly muscles*

...Is that YOu in that picture?
Power_Metal_Dom said:
The many many flaws in YOU'RE post???

This idiot actually admits his own post has flaws.

*shakes head*

I can't get over how extremely unintelligent you are.

And thus the LEGENDARY FORUM ARGUMENT comes full circle, where the defeated cannot give an intelligent answer. ;)

What I said was: You said that statement was moronic, so you must think it's full of flaws, right? Point them out instead of insulting me. Come on. Waiting.

Also, thanks for capitalising your bad grammar.
I'm insulting YOU?

Look back and see where all this came from...YOUR post saying I could stick it up my arse.

I'm sorry but there is NO WAY you can come out with shit like that when all I was doing was defending my point of view. You cannot just blow up and go apeshit because someone happens to have a different opinion to your own. That is an extremely childish thing to do.

I really hope everyone reads this thread and can see how much of an immature little arsehole you are.

I'm pretty sure there's a difference between stating an opinion and then coming out with assaults like the kind of crap you're dishing out.

It's immature and it's not wanted on this forum.
Robbie Nekoda said:
And thus the LEGENDARY FORUM ARGUMENT comes full circle, where the defeated cannot give an intelligent answer. ;)

What I said was: You said that statement was moronic, so you must think it's full of flaws, right? Point them out instead of insulting me. Come on. Waiting.

Also, thanks for capitalising your bad grammar.
