
Apr 8, 2006
Does anyone no if theres a way you can mix the snare as one on DFH superior, rather than mixing the top and bottom indiviual. Because the snares shit when I try and mix them, I like a nice snappy snare sound (like a picalo snare) instead it sounds like a army marching drum.
Any Suggestions??
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but if I understand correctly, then the only way to mix one snare track using DFHS is to not use either the top or the bottom, which is a pretty half-assed solution. You're better off just learning how to mix a snare drum properly, using both the top and bottom.
What you need to do is work on your compressing and EQing. Makes all the difference. Personally, I leave the bottom snare mic out unless I REALLY need highs. In which case I high pass the fuck out of it and low pass the top snare pretty heavily (to get rid of cymbals) and then bring in the highs from the bottom mic. You probably don't need it though.