DHIADW with Pod Pro?


Chemical Pariah
Aug 30, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
I have "just" two questions that would be nice if you could manage to answer.

When you prodouced DHAIDW did you use Jeff's Pod Pro or did you use some other amp for the guitars? And was it layered? (2 guitars left, 2 guitars right)

The other one is if you have some tips on recording 4 guitars (the same way mention above) and still get "hard" cutoffs when nothing is played. I use a noise gate that work well for one guitar, but when you have 4 it get's kinda muddy and blurry.

A third bonus question: Do you have any nice tips for recording? Like the layering and such... I've thought about using vox and a guitar with an e-bow to make up synthlike backgrounds without using synths.

Thanx for the great prodoucing. It's VERY inspiring.