DI and recording samples


Jun 11, 2010
Belfast, N.Ireland
Hey i am trying to convince a friend that Recording DIs and then reamping at a later date is NOT a bad idea he is convinced that i wont work with really complex music like tech death, and i dont listen to enough tech death to even have an example off the top of my head could anyone point me in the direction of songs or albums that are completely reamped yet still technically complex and fast,

i tried explaining the concept of DI and reamping boxes to him and that you can still hear your guitar through an amp while recording DIs but too no avail :(

Have you even tried giving him a demonstation of the process of recording DI's and then reamping and then maybe he will change his mind.
If he doesnt beleive that it works tell him you won't do it. Then record him with his desired amp settings(whilst taking a d.i without him knowing) and then reamp later. tell him its the amp he used on the day. bingo problem solved

If he asks why you are plugging his lead into some strange box(d.I), tell him it delivers tube warmth and pure tone to the amp. all the big bands do it. :goggly: