DI boxes for guitar

James Murphy said:
i used to suggest this to bands.. i stopped after hearing the results of the first couple that followed the advice. not recording quality, but performance. it's amazing how many bands that don't have real studio experience working with a real producer don't seem to understand what is actually "tight" enough.

i think that's the difference between the amateurs and the real pro's... hearing that you make mistakes and not playing tight enough is an essential part of being a musician.. some guitar guys and drummers i deal with (in local bands) sometimes think they played something tight and good while i think that their performance is bloody awfull!

i keep hammering on all my bandmembers to keep on practicing to metronome, better said I gave them all a metronome last year for their birthday..now I know 1 of the guys nowadays practices everything with metronome, the other guy can't care much about it...i need to kick his ass!
it improved both of their playing tho, especcialy the rythm guitar player is getting tighter and tighter...

i hear my mistakes, i hear my timing errors, i can't do it better yet, so that gives me something to work on...it's challenging me...
i am no mike smith, d/a erlandsson or gene hoglan, and that frustrates me most of the times, but they got like 8 to 10+ years more experience then me...so it keeps me motivated..

but i went completely off topic there...
I've heard that the behringer di boxes are great for the buck...
I got a cheap Millenium DI-box..got it for like 10 euro's...does the job :)..
first i'll get an re-amp and then a better di-box if needed..
Yeah James, totally agree man. It's like they are totally oblivious to the fact that when they are tracking guitars 4 times, each little nuance of sloppiness just adds up. What's even worse, is when you pair that with the fact that a majority of them are also obvlivious to the fact that they are sloppy players to begin with. :lol:

James Murphy said:
i used to suggest this to bands.. i stopped after hearing the results of the first couple that followed the advice. not recording quality, but performance. it's amazing how many bands that don't have real studio experience working with a real producer don't seem to understand what is actually "tight" enough.

I'm afraid of actually entering the studio with the guys and that being the case. When we're actually on the clock and funds are being drained away. I'd rather risk this option, and hopefully be present and supervise the guys whilst they do this, with less stress. It would really suck to book a few weeks in the studio to realize that the guys aren't as ready as they claim to be.

Thanks for the insight though, James. It seems like one way or the other, you can't win with some bands :)
can someone please clarify to me which is the best di for passive pups, active or passive?

This is guitar being used http://www.thomann.de/ie/ibanez_sz4020_fm_ntf.htm and gibson v and possibbly my yamaha aes 360 with sd jb in bridge.

I dont know wheather to get an active or passive i want the best sound quality the tracks are going off to be reamped for our first record when their tracked il also post them up here if any one wants to have a go with them:)

am i being to fussy does it even make much difference?