Diablo 2 For PC


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Mar 29, 2003
I know many of you are into PC games but I was curious how many of you have played Diablo 2 and/or the Expansion Pack for it? I am hooked on this game and think its fantastic. Any comments?
Diablo II up to 1.06 was great, but the rules of Lord of Destruction applied to it pretty much ruined it. LOD was great up to 1.09. The game blows since 1.10. The skill nerfs made most of the fun character builds unplayable. It also pretty much forced party play in Hell, making soloing almost impossible. The glitches that result in one hit kills remain unfixed, which makes playing hardcore impractical, and that's the only way I'd play the game. Add to that the problem of hacks, hackers, and cheats which Blizzard refuses to do anything about all that's left is of a once great game is now unappealing.
Yeah I totally agree with you on the multiplayer (Battlenet) feature. I tried it but too many hackers with trainers on that that ruin it for me. I am playing it single player and am in Lut Gholein at the Arcane Sanctuary. Just got fricking slaughtered too! LOL. Now I have to backtrack and collect my corpse!!!
I loved playing it on the single player campaign. Unfortunately, it doesn't have widescreen monitor support for PC, and I hate playing games that are horizontally stretched, so I don't anticipate ever playing it again.

A newer game, which is almost exactly in the same vein but with updated graphics and technical capabilities, is Titan Quest. I've been playing this with its expansion pack for about a year, and it's just like Diablo II, but way better.
I've played both Diablo games and the expansion pack and enjoyed them way back when. Agree with booB... Titan Quest takes all the stuff that is fun about the Diablo series and improves on it. I was playing this around the same time as God of War II and so I was *really* into the Greek Mythology there for a while. :)
I played the crap out of it for a few years, off and on. I get addicted to one game and play it until I have wrung every ounce of fun out of it. :D i think I got my single player character up to Level 86.

I hate all the PKs and well, pretty much everyone else on battle.net. lol I wound up pretty much just playing hardcore characters at the end, but haven't played in probably a year.

What character class do you play? I was always an Amazon, pretty much. In fact, Diablo II is part of what got me to pick up a real bow and learn to shoot.
does Titan Quest have the same gameplay as far as character control as Diablo? Also another great game was the original Dungeon Siege from Microsoft. Wasn't too crazy about Dungeon Siege 2.
i used to be pretty big into that game, i had a light sorc with 200 fcr doing 50k + dmg, max resists, all legit gear too!

its been years since ive played, it was super fun, but i think there are better things out there now. honestly for single player RPG games, the final fantasy games (excluding the very few bad ones) are still the benchmark for me. ive been playing final fantasy 12 lately, re beating it. amazing game.
does Titan Quest have the same gameplay as far as character control as Diablo? Also another great game was the original Dungeon Siege from Microsoft. Wasn't too crazy about Dungeon Siege 2.

Yes, you have 8 different character classes that you can build - combining two classes (known as "masteries") together after a certain point early in the game makes some of the classes and fighting styles really interesting. You travel through Greece, Egypt and China in TQ (and add Hades, plus an additional mastery if you get the Immortal Throne expansion pack - which I highly recommend and would not start playing the game without) completing quests and gathering items and gold - it's your basic dungeon crawl like Diablo was, but with better graphics and gameplay IMHO.

I don't think you'll be disappointed - if you liked Diablo you'll probably *LOVE* TQ.
I lost many, many hours of my life to Diablo II - haven't played it in about five years, but I've been considering reinstalling it just for the fun of it.
Meh. I lost a couple of years to Diablo II and LoD. I started with the open Battle.net beta test before the game released, and didn't stop until 1.10. I had a King Necro and Queen Amazon on the original Hardcore ladder pre-LoD. After LoD came out I played until I had a lvl 99 'Zon, and a lvl 99 Barb. I have screen shots of them both ranked as the top living Hardcore characters on US East somewhere. I also had three accounts full of lvl 75-85 HC characters of all classes and viable builds. Add to that the numerous HC characters I lost after investing many hours, including a lvl 91 Zon, and you can imagine the amount of time I had invested in that game.

I had every set in the game complete except one. I had every unique including 2 Windforces and 2 Grandfathers from either questing or trading. Trading was another excellent component. Nothing has come close to interesting me since I quit DII.

Does Titan Quest have:
A hardcore type option?
Multiplayer options on a realm or via TCP/IP?
Duel / PK options or is it all PvM?

Found a couple shots:

Meh. I lost a couple of years to Diablo II and LoD. I started with the open Battle.net beta test before the game released, and didn't stop until 1.10. I had a King Necro and Queen Amazon on the original Hardcore ladder pre-LoD. After LoD came out I played until I had a lvl 99 'Zon, and a lvl 99 Barb. I have screen shots of them both ranked as the top living Hardcore characters on US East somewhere. I also had three accounts full of lvl 75-85 HC characters of all classes and viable builds. Add to that the numerous HC characters I lost after investing many hours, including a lvl 91 Zon, and you can imagine the amount of time I had invested in that game.

I had every set in the game complete except one. I had every unique including 2 Windforces and 2 Grandfathers from either questing or trading. Trading was another excellent component. Nothing has come close to interesting me since I quit DII.

Does Titan Quest have:
A hardcore type option?
Multiplayer options on a realm or via TCP/IP?
Duel / PK options or is it all PvM?

Found a couple shots:


Dude!! I thought I liked the game! DAMN! You are sick! LOL! Thats awesome! I'm just about to battle Baal in The Canyon Of Magi. But I have a mercenery thats got kickass armor and weapons and I have leveled her up so I let her do most of the dirty work and I pick up the loot! I play as the Necromancer now who has kickass powers! I beat the game once as the barbarian who is a strong ass dude as you know.
Hey Sean,

If you want to try out Titan Quest and get a feel for the gameplay, here's a link to the official demo (500 meg download):


You can get a good feel for the game using that demo. I think you'll find that the gameplay is almost exactly identical to Diablo II, but slightly better. The graphics are extremely detailed, and the game is a huge resource hog, but if your computer can run it, it's definitely worth getting.