PC Games

If I had to choose between those two I'd go for Starcraft 2, especially after I found Diablo 2 to be very dissapointing.

And now it's official, I'm gonna get WoW on monday. Guessing you won't be seeing me around for a while ... :P
_Zsuzsa_ said:
If I had to choose between those two I'd go for Starcraft 2, especially after I found Diablo 2 to be very dissapointing.

And now it's official, I'm gonna get WoW on monday. Guessing you won't be seeing me around for a while ... :P

Good choice. I played a Troll Warrior on the Hellscream server for about a full year got him to 60 and did all the cool uber end game stuff. Named him Rivfader :tickled:

Now I am playing with a bunch of buddies from my College on the Blackhand server and I am working on a Night Elf Druid I am level 35 thus far.

You will love WoW, and always remeber if you get lost www.thottbot.com

Oh yeah and WoW can be fatal! http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-11/01/content_3714003.htm