I'm in the middle of playing with...

@Zsuzsa hehe i installed Undying again for the weekend... geez playing it at night is fucking unnerving, the sound is sooooo great...
there were a few occasions when i couldn't believe myself... i got one of those big scares and i literally started shaking my legs like i was getting electrocuted with a catte prod haha
it's so fucking scary it's even funny!
right now i'm in Oneiros (far ahead in the game when you go to it for the 2nd time)
need for speeds rock! :D
i also like a couple of the rogue spear games, and a game called Swat 3

that is about all that i play on my comp... if you exclude Continuum, which is a net-game :grin: (not anymore so mutch tho)
EagleFlyFree: If you want to shit yourself while gaming..

At night, all lights out, only the glow from the monitor illuminating the room, your (well, maybe not existing) 5.1 on "good" volumes and EAX/3D activated..

... play Alien vs Predator 2. :yow:

Currently freelancing with my heavy fighter in Bretonian airspace and checking out the inside of the CIA headquarters. ;)

1. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
2. Super Mario World (SNES)
3. The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (SNES)

My top 10 is:

Space Quest 5
Seiken Densetsu Series
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy series (All snes, not PS1/2).

Conquest of the Longbow
Day of the Tentacle (both oldie adventure)

Max payne
Splinter cell

And everything Black Isle, From Baldurs Gate series to Planescape torment, to Fallout.