Shane - The other Digi unit is actually a Command|8, and not a 002 Factory. The 002 Factory has an LCD display above the PLAY/STOP/REW/FFD circle of controls, his unit does not have that, instead it boasts a silk-screened logo for the unit.
However, Shane is right about the does retail for about $40k easily, regardless of his choice of equipment. The list I came up with (which is floating around the forum somewhere) is only about $26k and includes Vintech and TRUE pre's, RME interface and A/D conversion, and other nice peices of I can't understand how he justifies spending that much on all of that...well...crap.
There is really no need for all of that MIDI crap, or the drum machine...or anything else in his racks, lol. He could get DFHS/BFD for drums, and Reason for rap/hip-hop/r&b/techno/dance and spend wayyyyyy less money...and actually have better results while he's at it. I haven't heard his work, but I now have a new catch phrase thanks to him.
"You're mic room is...all up in there."