Dick Sirloin, you faggot, get in here

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Yea you're right the whole topic of objectivism can't be argued. Nor do I wish to, as speaking with you makes me lose what little respect I had for you to begin with. :) It's o.k though, no hard feelings. From the contradictory fashion of your postings, it just shows that you're a confused little boy in search for enlightenment. The same author's you herald today, will be irrelevant to you 6 months from now. In a continiuing collectivist processed masqueraded as individualism.

And no, none of what I said was verbatim from the book you fucking pickle sniffing homo. I haven't read the thing in 3 years. It's called reading comprehension. And yes, feel free to pm me your half assed essay that you conconcted while stoned out of your stones. I'll be more than happy to analytically tear it apart. Or you can spare yourself the indignation and just continue to be a mediocre student on your parents dime. (Your words, not mine)

P.S I read your creative writing papers you sent to my email...Before accusing Rand of being a poor writer, look inward my friend.
I think this should me mentioned again...

Reign in Acai said:
This just shows how little faith you have in the term "I". Can you say such a word without quivering from such an utterance?

nah, Joyce is the quintessential author, and to think otherwise is foolish, Dick'll always praise him, and Pynchon. Irrelevance in these cases is impossible.
Reign in Acai said:
From the contradictory fashion of your postings, it just shows that you're a confused little boy in search for enlightenment. The same author's you herald today, will be irrelevant to you 6 months from now.

That people at a young age waver a little before finding their true niche is completely normal, and shouldn't be used against them. Unless their name is Guardian of Darkness, of couse, because then it's just hilarious. :)
Crimson Velvet said:
That people at a young age waver a little before finding their true niche is completely normal, and shouldn't be used against them. Unless their name is Guardian of Darkness, of couse, because then it's just hilarious. :)

And thusly why we should hold in there for our dear little AWMM! He'll one day mature and realize his follies.
Ah, I just gotta do this, it's going to be too much fun to pass over...

Reign in Acai said:
From the contradictory fashion of your postings
Give me one example of a contradictory post I've made. I haven't? You just put that in there to make yourself seem more "reasonable"? Fair enough.

it just shows that you're a confused little boy in search for enlightenment.
This is probably the only post you've made that has any factual resonance. Bravo.

In a continiuing collectivist processed masqueraded as individualism.
Since you've already ignored many of my points, I'll mention this again:
YOU + total faith in one system (objectivism) = not individualism
That sounds more like you're blindly following some guidebook for your life. At this rate you'll be a Christian in no time.

And no, none of what I said was verbatim from the book you fucking pickle sniffing homo. I haven't read the thing in 3 years. It's called reading comprehension.
She repeats herself so many times that even you remembered it. Wow. Score one for Rand, then.

Or you can spare yourself the indignation and just continue to be a mediocre student on your parents dime. (Your words, not mine)
Yeah, making the Dean's List the last four semesters is pretty mediocore. And getting into Senior Honors Fiction Writing (12 in the whole university). But okay, that's certainly your judgement to make.

P.S I read your creative writing papers you sent to my email...Before accusing Rand of being a poor writer, look inward my friend.
Have fun with the stories I wrote years ago. Since you're a fan of Ayn Rand, I am content with your criticism. You definitely know the difference between good writing and bad writing, so once again I'll bite my tongue.

I am so surprised that you haven't given me a decent argument yet, merely left it up to personal attacks. Don't let thinking get in the way of productivity. Seriously though, I wish you good luck on your GED, I hear some of the Reading sections can be pretty tough
Crimson Velvet said:
That people at a young age waver a little before finding their true niche is completely normal, and shouldn't be used against them.

Right, because once you reach true enlightenment, all you have to do is sit back and annoy others. :rolleyes: Sounds like the sweet life, I hope I get there one day.

I dumped Rand 3 years ago, btw. She's Level-1 Mario Brothers.
Alright, so I was completely unfamiliar with Objectivism and Ayn Rand until this morning, but I'll offer my take on what I've read:

- Why would I want to subscribe to a supposedly individualist philosophy that preaches to me about how I ought to live my life?
- Why is it ok for Rand to champion this notion of the heroic, rationally self-interested individual who should be able to live for his own reasons... unless you're gay? I understand the psychiatric and moral climate of the time wasn't exactly condusive to including homosexuals, but Rand (and Acai's) view on homosexuality seem to stand in stark contrast to the rest of their objectivist metaphysics or whatever​
Dick Sirloin said:
Right, because once you reach true enlightenment, all you have to do is sit back and annoy others. :rolleyes: Sounds like the sweet life, I hope I get there one day.

Huh? Finding your niche, which I suppose could also be a called a lasting preference, is not the equal of "true enlightenment".
Demilich said:

- Why would I want to subscribe to a supposedly individualist philosophy that preaches to me about how I ought to live my life?

Exactly. It's such a cop-out it's unbearable. So we needed Ayn Rand to come along and FINALLY tell us to start being individuals? That we should be goal/money-oriented? Wow, she was certainly innovative.

On the homosexuality issue, don't bother, RiA will just come back with his Predetermined Right Wing Response and point out that homosexuals are not worth living (along with blacks, mexicans, disabled people, thinkers, liberals and all other freeloaders living in his world).​
I still don't get this shit and whatever... so i'm just gonna go back to doing my thing... after a quick couple comments.

I don't need anyone to tell me how to live my life.
I don't need anyone to tell me social-grouping ____ is shitty. (aka gay-bashing)
Fuck being goal/money-oriented, what about happiness oriented?
Screw enlightenment, I like it here under my rock... if only it was more of a cave far away from people....

Oh yes, and as a young person, Dick Sirloin's views will likely continue to shift and settle until he finds his true balance point in life... then he too will be as entrenched in his views as old man Acai.
Hell, if punk music can trick millions into thinking they're rebelling by buying mass marketed cds, it isn't much of a leap that Rand can trick millions into thinking they're enacting civil liberty by following a laughably rigid/exclusive code.
Conspicuously Absent said:
Oh yes, and as a young person, Dick Sirloin's views will likely continue to shift and settle until he finds his true balance point in life... then he too will be as entrenched in his views as old man Acai.

Hopefully not on that last part. I actually do have a fairly settled philosophy on life, and I find that the more I experience and learn only advances it. But still, I hope to never "settle down" into one established belief/dogma.
i think being open to change throughout life is a fundamental part of my "philosophy". i don't even know if i'd bother trying to figure out what i thought about life beyond very general guidelines. there are always exceptions to every rule we try to force on ourselves, and i try not to limit myself with these.