Demilich said:i think being open to change throughout life is a fundamental part of my "philosophy". i don't even know if i'd bother trying to figure out what i thought about life beyond very general guidelines. there are always exceptions to every rule we try to force on ourselves, and i try not to limit myself with these.
Demilich said:i think being open to change throughout life is a fundamental part of my "philosophy". i don't even know if i'd bother trying to figure out what i thought about life beyond very general guidelines. there are always exceptions to every rule we try to force on ourselves, and i try not to limit myself with these.
Conspicuously Absent said:I love learning, but as far as big questions... if you mean "the meaning of life" type shit... fuck that, better stuff to do.
Demilich said:the "meaning of life" is an illusion. everyone has their own. maybe a lot of people have the same one, but that doesn't mean there's one reason we're all supposed to be here. if there is one reason/meaning, how are we ever realistically going to know what it is?
lizard said:I like how you didn't end your last sentence with a period, graphically and symbolically illustrating your point; there is no closure, no end to the quest.
Dick Sirloin said:Like...?
Conspicuously Absent said:Remembering everything I have to do today. Trying to keep up with the 6 hours of homework a night + studying. Trying to remember my name cause I haven't slept in 4 days. Trying to get shit organized for this summer. Trying to find enough money to get the shit I need for summer.
Day to day life consumes 120% of my brain's time. Meaning a lot of shit gets left undone cause I do need to sleep once in a while. Someday I may start thinking about shit like that, until then.. meh.