Did anyone else get sick?

Right now, I am feeling like complete shit. I ended up staying home from work today. Sucks, as I got a ticket to go see Pagan's Mind again tonight at Jaxx. I sure as hell hope I can feel up to going as I so want to see them again.
Nope! Granted, I was only there for a day, so I didn't have as much exposure to everyone's germs, but I did hug lots and lots and lots people, some of whom were already sick. I took a vitamin before leaving and made a point of washing my hands with hot water/soap a couple of times during the night, and I was fine.
Yes, of course. I always get sick, but some years I get off easy. I'm hoping I don't get worse because right now I'm pretty miserable but not as bad as I have been in the past. My husband is also sick. This is what we refer to as "The ProgPower Plague."

Putting 1,500 people from all around the world into a (relatively) small venue, while they are drinking and smoking too much, yelling too much, not sleeping enough, not eating enough/unhealthy food, rocking out, sweating, and touching CDs all weekend is bound to spread some germs. Not to mention we're all at the same few hotels.

I kinda feel like dying, but I feel better than when I woke up yesterday.
Yep. But I knew I was getting sick by 4pm on Saturday... and I'd only landed in Atlanta at 5:30pm on Friday. Figured it was something I carried in!
Actually, this is the first year that I've not even felt tired after getting back. I feel fine, but I made a point to wash my hands alot and I always take vitamins. I have to admit, I don't shake hands with people too much and never hug anyone. Yes, I'm a little paranoid, but I'd rather not get sick.

Thankfully no... I made sure I ate a lot throughout the day to keep my energy going and to not get drunk, cause I gotta tell you those bartenders were making some mean margaritas!

I had a very early flight Sunday morning... just felt ultra tired once I got home... but that was all.
Yep, got it -- despite taking all the appropriate precautions. :mad: Started feeling it come on yesterday.

Fortunately, so far it seems to be milder than what I've come down with in previous years.
Right now, I am feeling like complete shit.

Yep, got it -- despite taking all the appropriate precautions. :mad: Started feeling it come on yesterday.

Sounds like me. I'm only running on 4 or 5 of 8 cylinders today. Not feeling too perky. I probably got a cold. Stuffed up head, runny nose, and feeling like crap. I did mange to get to work, but don't know about tomorrow. :ill::zombie::yuk:
For the first time in a few years I am feeling fine after Progpower. I didn't do anything differently this year, so I can't figure out why, but who knows maybe this is my "get out of jail free card" from the Progpower Plague. So knowing my luck I'll probably get it twice as bad next year.

P.S. Hope everyone starts feeling better quickly as it's already difficult enough coming back to reality after the best weekend of the year.
I had the obligatory sore throat and sinus issues after Wednesday, but I really think it was the cigarette smoke, and not being "actually" sick. My voice still hasn't fully recovered yet, and I'm having allergy problems, but I didn't get sick. (I was popping Vitamin C tablets all weekend though. :) )
As I just wrote in the lounge:

Chalk up another illness. I'm pretty obsessive about things - ate healthy food, washed hands, used hand sanitizer, took vitamins, exercised every day, am a borderline germophobe . . . all to no avail. I got very little sleep Friday night (a contributing factor, I'm sure), and felt pretty run down all day Sat. I thought run down was all it was, though. But, by Sunday afternoon I was ill. I even took off of work yesterday.

My wife, who has been wonderful about me going to PP every year for the last 8 years, is starting to wonder why I come home sick every year.

Screw the swine-flu. We need a cure for the PP sickness!

Steve in Philly
I got a little dizzy yesterday morning but was probably the change in feeding and the heat here. Atlanta was cooler and I practically didn't eat anything during the festival days (compared to what I eat regularly).

Now after a gym session, some normal feeding times, good sleep and lots of metal CDs, I'm back on track. Hope those that feel under the weather come out soon to a healthy state.
Add me to the sick list....sore throat started late Sunday night and flu-like symptoms Monday and today. This was my 4th time at PP but 1st time getting sick afterward. Perhaps we all just have withdrawal symptoms of getting back into the 'real world.'
