Did anyone else get sick?

*knocks wood*

So far so good with me. In all the years I've been going, I've only had the PP Plague twice. I was doing 4-5 shots of Airborn for about two weeks before the fest, mass amounts of Vit C's....and still am till about the end of this week. Dunno if that is what kept it away this year or just lots of hand washing and luck. Do have some allergies now that I am home again but nothing serious.

Get well soon everyone!
Sore throat, runny nose, body aches, sinus headaches.....got it all on sunday, starting to go away as of this afternoon.

That's good to know it should be over soon then.

I got sick on, I assume, Saturday and felt really ill on Sunday. Made flying suck that much more. Each day I've felt progressively worse so hopefully this starts to clear up.
First PPUSA=first "sickness"!! I've got something...thought it was allergies...maybe/maybe not..but whatever it is, it's kicking my ass. But it was worth it...I'll gladly come home sick every year if it means going to the best metal show on the planet!!!! Glenn...you rawk darlin'!!! A PPUSA fan for life!!!!!
Started Sunday night when I went to bed, got the chills, woke up Monday with my nose running like a faucet and my head feeling more pressure than that DSO singer's dress (?). Today was still bad, but not AS BAD. Pressure seems to be letting up a bit now, and I can almost breath.

Worth it, and I'll do it all again next year.
I didn't get it too bad, just a slight headache/sinus pressure and runny nose. Eric on the other hand started w/ a hacking cough and sore throat on Sunday when we were at the airport and it hasn't really stopped.
Sore throat, stuffy nose, just plain run down. Didn't start until today though. Hopefully some meds before bed tonight will remedy the problem.
I didn't get sick, but I know that Ripper and Paul were sick. How I roomed with all you guys and didn't get sick, I'll never know....

The germs know better than to fuck with YOU. :lol:

Still feeling under the weather today, but I managed to go to work. (Caught hell from my manager in absentia for calling in sick yesterday...)

I had the sore throat/coughing/stuffy nose/run-down version of the Artmore Ague this year. Can't help but wonder if I picked it up at Dragon*Con, since that's also a lot of people (and aliens, and zombies, and...) all together in a small, deadly space. :zombie:

Ripper is okay now -- the germs probably fled from him at the first opportunity :) -- but BenMech is really coughing up a storm. He should improve in 12-24 hours if he has what I have.
Yes, it hit me hard during Fate's set. Sneezing like crazy, and my nose started running like a faucet. Either it was some toxic shit in the air, or I shook hands with the wrong foreigner. It quickly turned into a serious sinus infection (with a fever), and I had to skip work and go to the MD early Monday morning for antibiotics and some steroids. She said that I was suffering from an acute allergy attack. I thought it was the damn flu at first because it was so severe! I couldn't even open my eyes on the ride home Sunday. Talk about a living Hell... Besides getting the damn plague, ProgPower 2009 was the best of the last four years. Lots of diversity, the sound was better than ever, there was plenty of humor/good times and some really genuine people to connect with. Thank you to Glenn (& all the staff)! See you at PPXI. :headbang:
Add me to the sick list....sore throat started late Sunday night and flu-like symptoms Monday and today.

This is what I've experienced, but not he sinus pressure and congestion the rest of you have (and certainly not Hoyt's herpe either!) :zombie:

As I just wrote in the lounge:

Chalk up another illness. I'm pretty obsessive about things - ate healthy food, washed hands, used hand sanitizer, took vitamins, exercised every day, am a borderline germophobe . . . all to no avail.

Ditto that. I did all the exact same things.. and now I'm sicker than a dog.

Maybe Glenn could have a hand sanitizer company as a sponsor next year. Toss a free little bottle in every goodie bag :lol:
Seriously sore throat here. I started with post nasal drip on Friday. I just assumed it was an allergy to something in Atlanta. I feel fine now but my voice sounds terrible and I have a cough trying to get the crap back out of my chest. :(
My headache was so bad I was seriously considering taking a drill to my skull to relieve the pressure. Fortunately some sudafed (sutafed?) cleared up my headache, and I'm at about 65% right now. Much better than either yesterday or today.

Yeah. Exactly. Luckily, the generic version of Nighttime Tylenol Cold did the job for me. I'm gonna go grab some more and go back to sleep.
Yep.... I had some kind of food poisoning on Saturday. Felt 100% better an hour or so after the music started. The catered BBQ was awesome! :headbang:

Now, I have a nagging cough, stuffy head, & a runny nose. Completely survivable, but I will be medicating!
Fingers crossed: I still have not gotten sick. I had some gastrointestinal problems today, but I think that was because of the crappy food I ate last night.