Did anyone watch Ghost Hunters: Live last night?

Why has a scientific study never experienced them?

Actually I watched something on spiritual stuff. There was a Russian psychic healer and they measured the electrical field of her body while she was healing and it rose a lot during the healing. If ghosts never existed then no one would believe in them, people have experienced them, others haven't. I don't know if ghosts exist but telekenesis, psychokenesis, and healing have been proven to be real. There are people who can actually feel what other people are feeling physically just by touching them.

While we're on debates who believes in the Loch Ness monster?
Actually I watched something on spiritual stuff. There was a Russian psychic healer and they measured the electrical field of her body while she was healing and it rose a lot during the healing. If ghosts never existed then no one would believe in them, people have experienced them, others haven't. I don't know if ghosts exist but telekenesis, psychokenesis, and healing have been proven to be real. There are people who can actually feel what other people are feeling physically just by touching them.

None of those things have been proven to be real; and something does NOT need to exist for it to be believed - this is because we all have a little something called an imagination. For example, the unicorn; the unicorn has never existed as a species (neither has the dragon) - but you know what has!? Various types of horned elk fucks and dinosaurs. And when you use a little bit of imagination, you can easily get new creatures.

An even better example is that of Cthulhu. The greatest ancient does not exist, and yet there are (surprisingly) people who believe in him.

And just because a person can empathize with people on a higher level than the average individual does not mean their clairvoyant, psychic, telekinetic, etc - it means they are sensitive. Why this is, I certainly don't know; but is it because he can somehow pick up on the "energy/chi" that every new age book argues for? No.
SB took care of the "has to exist to be believed statement" so I'll respond to the rest. If you can provide links to those studies which prove telekinesis etc. real, please do. Either way a human that can manipulate their bodies to be more sensitive, while quite impressive, is no in no way supernatural as the claims I am against are.

Loch Ness monster does not exist.
Actually I watched something on spiritual stuff. There was a Russian psychic healer and they measured the electrical field of her body while she was healing and it rose a lot during the healing. If ghosts never existed then no one would believe in them, people have experienced them, others haven't. I don't know if ghosts exist but telekenesis, psychokenesis, and healing have been proven to be real. There are people who can actually feel what other people are feeling physically just by touching them.

While we're on debates who believes in the Loch Ness monster?

This is such a profoundly horrible post that I actually took the time to physically slap my forehead in response.
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