Did everyone watch Hey Hey?

Over sensitive conservative crap, what a load of shit, and for fucks sake Harry Connick Jr's family were once plantation owners way back when, imagine what his ancestors done to the SLAVES, get over it, it was a skit.

Super sensitive PC bullshit society, can go fuck itself and the conservative no fun fucking horse it rode in on. To that measure would it be a horse, I mean fuck, you might have fun on a horse, and we don't won't any one have fun these days incase a) it is unassisted by medication, and b) you smile, giggle, or SHOCK HORROR get fucking hurt.

x2 Anybody complaining about that skit needs to grow some common sense. There was absolutely nothing racist about that performance, they were just in costume.

I LOVED the reunion shows. It was exactly the same as it used to be, and still just as unprofessional which I'm glad about. But yeah, if they can't get most of the original cast back (which they can't) then it should stop here, no series. That show was good BECAUSE of who was on it and how they all acted, the show itself is bloody stupid.
It doesn't matter whether it was intentionally racist or not.
It was a stupid thing to do, and in 2009 someone (at Chan 9) should have known better than to let it happen.
yeah.... it's interesting what was considered normal / acceptable as entertainment 20 years ago (when they first performed it) in less PC sensitive times. Tend to agree with Sydo that someone should have had the sense to knock it on the head before it got to TV this time round. I suspect they were going for a bit of the "oooh that's a bit riskay, can they still get away with that these days?" type response.

Certainly not deliberately offensive or hatefully racist, but .... eh, I can't believe i'm actually arguing FOR political correctness, I just reckon that sort of thing is best left in the past.

On the other hand though I reckon it actually demonstrates how LITTLE an issue racism is in this country, that it went ahead without alarm bells going off. In a more racially charged environment it wouldn't even be considered, ya know what i mean? I reckon any aussie with a stronger opinion against it than mine (the "omg it's an outrage, i'm sooooooo offended" type) is probably just trying to make themselves feel all pious and important or some shit, it's not really THAT big a deal here. To an American like HCJnr though i could see why it would be genuinely offensive.
I did'ntb see it, but HCJ can get fuked I work with Indigeous people and they saw it and were not offended .. so what the big deal , yes MJ was Black and White
I think it is strange that people are talking about HCJ like he had anything to do with it. All he did was point out that if that had been shown on American tv that it would be considered a big deal, and he wouldn't have been wanted to be associated with it. Fair enough.
And he's right. I don't consider it racist, but I can understand why Americans would. I read somewhere that America has become so frightened of the word "black" that they use the phrase "African-American" even for black people who aren't American. And they also seem to think that because there's a lot of blacks in America, there must be lots of them everywhere. I've known quite a few Americans (even black Americans) who simply don't believe me when I tell them that Australia doesn't really have very many "African-Americans".

At the same time, white America's apparent horror of racism against blacks doesn't seem to extend to racism against Mexicans, Asians or Arabs. Funny, that.
I have to admit when I saw the clip on the YouTubes, I was a bit, "Oh dear... really? People minstrel-ing in this day and age?" I could see why some would consider it racially insensitive - and in this country it would certainly go down like a cup of cold sick - but I think it's more that black-face is a bit old hat. Just like Hey Hey I suppose :)

Then again, folks here can be as uptight as the yanks - when I tell people about the "whacky Paki" character on the radio, they're shocked :)
It's times like this I wish Dan was still around to give his views :p

Super sensitive PC bullshit society, can go fuck itself and the conservative no fun fucking horse it rode in on. To that measure would it be a horse, I mean fuck, you might have fun on a horse, and we don't won't any one have fun these days incase a) it is unassisted by medication, and b) you smile, giggle, or SHOCK HORROR get fucking hurt.

Spot on :headbang: Furthermore, if something is touchy and taboo when it doesn't suit your cause, or agenda you can't bitch and moan about people getting all pious sitting on the other side of the proverbial fence.

You're allowed to say positive things in context of demographic and it's all peace love and mung beans. Arab Film Festival coming to town? Hooray for multiculturalism! First Black President? Hooray for progress! Refer to anything not floating in 100% rose-coloured douche water and it's a different matter. A crime was commited by a Sudane- eh, that would be picking on them for their poor eternally-hard-done-by race and not at all reporting on the offence... A crime was commited by a Black yout- eh wait same problem... A Coloured - oh fuck it, can't say that now either um... Negroid? No, touchy about that too... um... ethnic? Darker-skinned? Shit shit... hm... how about non-White? We can still say negative things in a White context, right? OK cool.

The exception to the rule is when something can be milked out of the negative statement (again see the concept of 'agenda' which pinkos seem to live in vehement denial of). Aboriginals demonstrate lower academic ability in classrooms? DING DING DING! RACIST! TIME FOR A LYNCHING BOYS! Oh wait, government is handing out grants to families of academically disadvantaged children... suddenly 'racist' accusations are neither racist nor accustations, as if the androgynous racially-ambiguous sexually-amorphic carbon-neutral PC Fairy waved its magic wand and spontaneously turned them into objective non-biased statistical facts without altering their actual content in any way. Deity-of-your-choice bless political correctness!

If anything it's America who has a long way to go in the context of the 'blackface' skit, not Australia (though the ridiculous response and things like editing the segment out of subsequent airing shows we do still have some way to go as well). The only people I hear complaining are the ones who also preach shit like acceptance and equality in one breath while feeling free to tell everyone else what they can or can't do, think or believe in the next breath. A big part of the equality picture which pinkos seem to either forget or just choose to ignore is being able to have a sense of humour about things in equal measure. The way to deal with their current and historical social issues isn't by surrounding them in humourless hypocrisy or brushing them under a rug and hiding behind a misguided sense of 'political correctness' whenever something has the potential to rattle the proverbial skeletons in their closet.

I reckon whinging pinko cunts hold back genuine across-the-board equality and 'progress' just as much as they like to think they contribute to it with their whinging pinko bullshit.

[edit] </rant>
Disclaimer (not that I should need to): I have nothing more or less against Blacks than I do against everyone else.

There, I said it. BLACK.
yeah, America is often so racist that they don't even notice it and when they try to be PC, people get offended.

check the example of Disney's first black princess character and how pissed off people are about that when Disney try to be PC and fail.