
A local suffolk word for Gypsies or travellers

Ages ago when i used to play xbox i was in a clan of "diddykoi" followed by a number with my mates from kent... erm, none of us are from suffolk... i dont know why we were called that so yeah :) and thanks! :D
hahahaha :) i like it!

It looks as though im going to have to re-install photoshop! :) I still have some of the classics lol.

Its the D the I the D the D the Y
The D the I the D
It's Diddy, (Hold Up) It's Diddy (That's crazy)
It's the D the I the D the D the Y
The D the I the D
Its Diddy, (Hold Up), It's Diddy (Say What!)
Im sorry maaan :(

I was on my pilgrimage you see, got into some trouble along the way and my mother was frightened for my life. After i returned she decided it was best for me to leave and stay with othe relatives further away because she couldnt bare to see me harmed, i decided that this was probably for the best too so i set off to join my Aunty and uncle. Its not as bad as i thought it would be the place is kinda big and theyre kinda rich so its awesome.

Heeeees baaaaaack!!! and hes better than ever got a naaaaaaaaack!! for making things better!!!

Seriously..welcome back dude!!