planning on tattoo

This is a tattoo one of my good friends got:


Wethinks it be hilarious.
I envy people not afraid of needles. I'm the type of guy who passes out if someone tries to extract blood from me. And just imagine, I have to get my wisdom teeth out I've now been told. No big surprise, but goddamn, I'm nervous about that. There will be a thread out here at some time about that. I'm thinking about getting totally knocked out for the procedure instead of just numbing with me conscious.

For some reason, piercings and tattoos don't give me that type of fear that medical needles and devices seem to do. I've had 4 piercings, 2 home done, and I would get a tattoo were it less expensive and if I knew what I actually wanted. The thought of medical needles as only being there as a fact that there is something wrong with me as opposed to piercings being jewelry I actually want might have some effect on me subconsciously that really grips me when I'm these situations in reality. Damn, I need to go to bed.
I'm not afraid of needles, just annoyed by them. I don't like being poked of course, but I tolerate it.
I'm not afraid of needles, but whenever I get blood tests (and I get through a lot) I can't dare to look at it. It's not like it'll make me sick, or disgusted, or anything, I'm more afraid that it's going to make me get really nervous and jumpy.