what's with your usernames..

J. = the first letter in Jeff, which is the name my parents gave me.

Dreamlord = stolen pseudonym from the lone member of Golden Dawn (at least on the debut) since he no longer uses it.

Arcane = I use this one on other boards. If you don't know where it comes from, go suck a dick.
straightforward and true

Not that I'm here for this reason but if I were to make friends with someone online, I wouldn't want them following me around calling me by some absurd nickname.
i assume many of you have read h.p. lovecraft's the call of cthulhu; "ia, ia, cthulhu fhtagn" (notice my misspelling, which i haven't bothered to fix because i don't care enough to expend the effort)
its my real name. some queer who had a thing for me made me a character in his book. the only accurate thing is that i'm semi-immortal.
Mine's a reference to vampire bats, and also to my like for mice. I have a winged mouse doll, too. The "wings" part can be symbolic of flying and escape (which I sometimes want), so it's very me.