
Ahhhhh :( he was awesome D: someone track him down and bug him on facebook hahaha.

!!!!EVAD, i should be able to stay for the best of 2 years hahaha... college = nothing to do :)
Hi Diddy! Welcome back man! It really hasnt been the same without you, I still have you in my signature! You know who else has been missing? Journeyman, whatever happened to him?
Anyway, I had not seen the one where Dave & Max steal your porn, it was priceless! :lol: Good job.
Yo dude, hahaha thats awesome! ahhh i have journeyman on msn i still talk to him and play some games and stuff but im not sure, i think he just moved onto the bloodstock forum? and thanks! :lol: i see many photoshop oppurtunities ahead :D