Dig this: I'm a teacher and I just used CoB in my first lesson!

Damien Jasper

New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2006
So like, I'm student teaching to become an English teacher. Or history, which is my minor. But I'm student teaching in English.

So like, I went to school too, right? I'm quite aware that a lot of people view English, Science, Math and History as "Prison Sentence Classes". One of the goals that has been set for me is to get the class (11th grade) to read and analyze a Shakespeare play (either Merchant of Venice or Henry IV, I haven't decided yet). Of course, most kids groan and recoil and are set to be bored when they hear "analysis". What the hell does taht mean anyway, they think. Now, the letter that your supervising teacher writes at the end will make or break how good of a teaching job you can land at first. So I just took that one line from Dangerous Minds seriously "Get their attention".

I knew I had to hook them in the first 10 minutes or the entire semester woud be a wash. SO what I did was I passed out the lyrics to "Everytime I die". I asked "Waht did you just read?' People said, "A poem of course". So I run a short discussion of "What did it make you feel?" Answers were "Hopeless, sad, desperate, depressed, despondent". Good, right? They don't know it, but they've already started analyzing. So then I say "Are you sure it was a poem?" A few cautious shaking of heads. Okay says I..so then I turn up the classroom CD player and blast the song. Now of course because of Alexi Laiho's singing style, it took them a few minutes to realize it was the same words. So I played the song a second time so people could stop focusing on just the words and analyze what the music, the whole package made them feel. Answers were kinda different this time "Anger, frustration, desperation, and empowerment". That was my point on context; which leads me to think I'll probably have them do Merchant of Venice given the many different contexts taht Shylock has been portrayed under (from stupid, to vicious to complex and sad).

The point of my lesson? Analysis can be in the eye of teh beholder. One person said the song made them feel empowered because he said that bottling up your rage sucks, so being able to express it loudly and with reckless abandon made him feel good. We actually took about 20 minutes discussing the line "Black candle wax has buried me" (cause I for one have a pretty weak interpretation of it I think). But my other point is that songwriters are modern poets. SOme of them suck and some of them truly are poems. In fact, one of the first passages of Henry IV sounds somewhat similar to "Everytime I Die" as do several in Hamlet.

So now I've got the kids eating out of my hand and they'll read and analyze whatever I tell them to because they realize they can apply it to their everyday lives, which is one of the biggest questions highschoolers have "When am I ever gonna use this?" Plus, they never know what we're going to listen to or read next. Obivously I can't make every song heavy metal. So I'm also using some Cat Stevens, Peter Gabriel and hoping to culminate with Leonard Cohen's "The Future" since NO ONE can actually analyze that song. I reward the students with "heavy metal fridays". On Fridays, we listen to a new metal song and analyze it for half the class. But then it's back to other business. But I got called to the carpet by the principal. That's another story.

Anyhow, I think Children of Bodom may have just made my career.
awesome. on the next friday, have them analyze "a gothic romance" by cradle of filth. that's a crazy ass song. they wont know what to make of the music when they hear it.
Dude thats freagin cool.....but maybe COB isn't the best ''poetic'' songwriting around. Alexi improvises his lyrics most of the time anyway, he focuses on the music.

Try Nirvana :lol:
Dude, that's awesome. The power of music is strong teaching tool. We had to do something like that in 11th grade literature class and we had to analyize the lyrics. Glad to see the studends appreciated it as well.
JausmetalJ said:
Damn dude..
Thats really fucking cool, Congratulations on the job, and good luck for the rest of the year.

I wish I had a cool Eng teacher.
Thanks for the comments. I'll try and respond to a few;

I know students usually hate the student teacher. That's why I did what I did. I mean, "Every time I die" starts off witha bang. I know that CoB isn't the most poetic, but that's why I started with them. I needed something easier to analyze. The path from "Every Time I Die" to act 2 scene 4 of Henry IV is a long one. Small bites.

Hell no on Cradle of Filth!

Nirvana? And you thought Alexi Laiho was hard to understand!

I was actually sort of afraid that someone in the class WOULD be a Hate Crew fan, and they would out me before I played the song. Luckily, there were none to be found, althought I can't speak for afterwards!

I prepared my supervising teacher before hand. If after 2 minutes of the song he just said "Stop. We can't do it this way", then I would have been toast in front of him, the students and the principal. But I told him that there IS a method to the madness.

Principal called me to the carpet. But all I could say was that every teacher has their own methodology. If he thinks I'm teaching them human sacrifice and devil worship in the classroom, then he can interview the students one by one and ask what goes on in class. If it's the lyrical content he was upset with (I doubt it, just vague assertions of 'that kind of music'), I told him that I would also have to jettison the entire unit on Emily Dickinson and so long to any lessons relating to Romeo and Juliet or As I Lay Dying (the book) or Hamlet or even a few Walt Whitman poems. So he simply asks; "Are you sure you're not setting a bad example?" So I says "I play a variety of music about a variety of topics to get the students used to analysis and discourse (you can never have enough discourse my professor always said). If being yourself, being open minded, appreciated different viewpoints and appreciating different ways to express the multitude of emotions that the human race must express is a bad example, then I guess I'm the worst.
nice dude! i'm a student, im 15 years old.. my english teacher doesn't like metal...Once i took a Bodom CD to school, and my classmates hated it! those retarted square minded people make me feel so sad.. so it'd be cool to have a teacher that liked melodeath or black metal and made students like it! good luck with your job!

PS: try Iron Maiden lyrics, like HBTN, they are ery poetic :headbang:
Try older In Flames lyrics,Lunar Strain to Colony.

and also,I hate my English teacher,can you be my new one?
One time for english we were suppsossed to find a poem and bring it into class,I forgot so I just recited every time I die,I got extra points for memorizing too:headbang: