Digidesign 002 with other software...


more metal, more booze!!!
Hey guys, im getting a 002 rack, only on the grounds that it can be used with other software, as my plan is to link my motu 8pre up to it via firewire, meaning the 002 rack will be the host...

or vica versa, and using the motu as the host and utilising the extra mic pres and line outs of the digidesign.

Anyone had any experience with this, as i prefer using cubase/nuendo.
As far as I know. You install the Digidesign Asio Drivers and it should work fine (but don't hold me to this, as I don't have any hands on experience.
The only thing that sucks is Digidesgns Asio driver and latency, Its just not as nice as some other hardware Asio drivers. Anyhow you can still use the digidesign hardware for any software and the latency I think was like 5ms or something maybe 4ms and you really did not even notice. So Enjoy!!
The only thing that sucks is Digidesgns Asio driver and latency, Its just not as nice as some other hardware Asio drivers. Anyhow you can still use the digidesign hardware for any software and the latency I think was like 5ms or something maybe 4ms and you really did not even notice. So Enjoy!!

YES, BIG +1 on that - my experience is only with the MBOX2, but the ASIO latency with that is laughably terrible; we're talking manually having to slide tracks after recording them to get them to sync up, bleecchhh...
I've got no problems with latency and my 002r.
Using the ASIO driver in FL Studio and 2ms latency. :shrug:

I'm still thinking of switching to a Profire 2626

Can't link 2 firewire interfaces together that way. Firebox/FP10 work that way but not Digi anything, or MOTU + Digi.
gotta do ADAT or analog connections.

Don't buy a 002 unless you want to run Pro Tools, even then, get something better!