Dime's guitar sound

Sep 16, 2004
I don't think i've ever read and post discussing Dime's sound. I really liked the tone on New Found Power. about all i know is that it was a Randall head into a Randall Iso cab with a V30 + Sm57. But i don;t know if it was a Warhead or his old Century series. The only other fact i know is that he used low volume on the randalls because they sounded better at that volume and that's why he had so many stacks on stage.
I don't think i've ever read and post discussing Dime's sound. I really liked the tone on New Found Power. about all i know is that it was a Randall head into a Randall Iso cab with a V30 + Sm57. But i don;t know if it was a Warhead or his old Century series. The only other fact i know is that he used low volume on the randalls because they sounded better at that volume and that's why he had so many stacks on stage.

I'm willing to bet he never actually played through a Warhead.

check out this winner from that blog you linked...

is it just me, or is getting a band you're not in tattooed on yourself, about the lamest fucking thing imaginable?
Dime's tone is the worst sounding crap I've ever heard. His abilities seem to make you look past that though when listening too it.

Well, his krank stuff sounded ok.... And I saw some videos from way way back in the day, it looked like he was using JCM800's or something? Wonder why he switched to solid state for so long.

I read in an interview that the first damageplan album was recorded well before damageplan existed as a whole band. Everything was recorded except vocals. Same deal with the second album.

I think i saw a warhead in the "Revolution is my name" Video. I know Terry Date mixed them and that Reinventing the steel and New found power were done in Vinnie's studio and engineered by both Vinnie and Dime.
Actually Dime played nothing other than solid state amps his whole career until he got the Krank...Krank was his first "official" tube amp....or thats what I've read in the past. Also read he used 2 noise suppressors for his distinct sound....one in the front and the other in the loop.
The old pics with a Marshall backline behind Dime, were for other players on the bill. He used a Randall since day one. :worship: DIME could plug into anything and rip ass, though. I don't think there are any recordings of the Krankenstein, released to date. Can't wait to get a LIVE DP show, though. The RMR album had to be Randalls, and the Damage Plan stuff is all Randalls. Yeah Dime Day is comin up in a couple of weeks! Fuck
The old pics with a Marshall backline behind Dime, were for other players on the bill. He used a Randall since day one. :worship: DIME could plug into anything and rip ass, though. I don't think there are any recordings of the Krankenstein, released to date. Can't wait to get a LIVE DP show, though. The RMR album had to be Randalls, and the Damage Plan stuff is all Randalls. Yeah Dime Day is comin up in a couple of weeks! Fuck

You sure? I have a DVD with him from the old days, it sure looks like he is playing through it... But I guess we will never know!
To me, Reinventing the Steel sounded like a Warhead. I never liked those amps, way to dark and muddy. the old Randalls were way cooler, before they started trying too hard to sound like valves :)
From my own experimentation though, I've foudn the real key to the older dime sound isn't really in the specifics of the amp. Any old simple sold state, I tried it on my mate's marshal VS100 - make sure you have a bill lawrence pickup in the guitar, and put an EQ pedal before the amp (mine was just a dano) and put every slider on full. Sounded just like him :)
I understand that he got his first Randall head as the prize for winning a guitar competition when he was 16 or so. He used a gate before the pre, and after the preamp in the loop along with a Furman PQ-3 parametric where he did the mid scooping. Before the Furman he had a fair amount of mids which he used as his lead tone. His tech would turn off the Furman and loop gate for solos. I've heard that he used some kind of booster as well but never heard which.

Yeah, Dime had the "Anti-tone" but it was totally him so that can't be too bad.
Yeah I'm guess you guys are young...when Pantera came around, there was nothing like it...that tone was totally groundbreaking to the point that you got scared the first time you heard it.

Right before i heard CFH i didnt think anything would touch Metallica or Slayer boy i was young and dumb. Dimes guitar sound was all him. he didnt spend years trying to emulate someone elses tone thats for sure.