Dimmu Borgir fans?

Guys, where can I download any songs from "In Sorte..."? I wanna know is it worth to buy or not? So if you can pls post strict link here.

Dude I'll work on that...
But yes, it IS worth buying...at first I thought it was a bad album, but its far from being BAD, its just not as catchy as DCA or PEM

you SHOULD buy it
its Dimmu, every album is worth buying!!! :kickass:
While it seems im under the impression people are afraid to admit they like Dimmu on this website, due to the fact they are bashed so much that its become a bandwagon trend. I myself got into Dimmu during the Stormblast days, I started off with and that album and it will remain my favorite. I think the newer thrashier stuff is cool too, but I will always enjoy the dark atmospheric Borgir of older stuff more. Oh and Its really weird of Dimmu to not have a permanent drummer, .
I'm gonna buck the trend, because I LOVE In Sorte Diaboli! Yes, it sounds similar to past albums, but their trademark sound is what got me into them in the first place. Is it their best? No, that would be PEM, but it's still pretty damn good.