Dimmu Borgir Translation

On the studio record he says Stormblåst

I think the circle on the a means that you pronounce it like the a in shoppingmall, like a german o, just like zou hear it on the studio record
Please correct me if i`m wrong.

Here`s the lyrics of the song i`m most interested in.

Dimmu Borgir

Gjennom tidelose morkne drommer
I fuktig hostvind ober landstrakte vidder
Mot Sorias fjellheim
Kommer jeg, en fandens ridder

Glatt er runen på det hoye fjell
Gnidd vekk av regn og vind
Dragende kraft av ondskap lurer
Her ved trollheims muldne grind
Fortumlet av dette morke byggverk
Med rovet gull fra lyets pakt
Brukt som spott til å senke
Deres murer

vi grunder over dette riket
Så vakkert fylt med tidelos skumring
Som en stjerne I tomsindighetens juv
Det bringer frem en nattlig mimring
Over tanker fra en vissen tid

Drott til himmels er det reist
Av tidens endelose svarte minner
Stormblåst ut av det sorte indre
Har bergflint rullet fra mo til kneist
Undring og angst samler seg I natten
I morket som ruver om spiret
For ingen dag kan veien hit
Intet lys kan luske frem

Der sorg har beseiret alle gleder
Og bygd et land på menneskets jord
Fylt med isklad prakt og heder

Thank you very much!!
yep,the å is like the german o,I don't know how shoppingmall is pronounced though :rolleyes:

well,well,a translation a day keeps the doctor away :p

Gjennom tidelose morkne drommerThrough timeless dark dreams
I fuktig hostvind ober landstrakte vidder in damp autumnal wind over (landstretched?) wide open spaces
Mot Sorias fjellheim Towards Sorias mountain-house (probably a castle)
Kommer jeg, en fandens ridderI come/am coming,a devils knight

Glatt er runen på det hoye fjellSmooth/Slippery is the (rune?) on the high mountain
Gnidd vekk av regn og vind Rubbed (-is the-way?) by the rain and wind
Dragende kraft av ondskap lurer (the) attractive power of wickedness/malice lies in wait
Her ved trollheims muldne grind hier near the (?) gate of the House of Trolls
Fortumlet av dette morke byggverkConfused by this dark building
Med rovet gull fra lyets pakt with (the robbery???) gold from the deal of (lyets?) -I messed this whole sentence....
Brukt som spott til å senkeUsed like _____ in order to (destroy?)
Deres murer their walls

vi grunder over dette riket we (are in deep thoughts about?) this kingdom
Så vakkert fylt med tidelos skumring So beautiful (<---the kigdom he means) full with timeless darkness
Som en stjerne I tomsindighetens juv Like a star in the ________
Det bringer frem en nattlig mimring it awakens a nighty (memory?)
Over tanker fra en vissen tidof thoughts from a faded/withered time

Drott til himmels er det reist it has travelled (i fucked this up a bit) pulled to the sky
Av tidens endelose svarte minner by times endless black memories
Stormblåst ut av det sorte indre Blowed by the storm/Stormblast by the black inner
Har bergflint rullet fra mo til kneist _________________
Undring og angst samler seg I natten Wondering and fear are gathered together at night
I morket som ruver om spiret in the darkness that surrounds(?broods?) around the spire (of the tower he means)
For ingen dag kan veien hit because no days know the way there
Intet lys kan luske fremno light can (find the way forward)

Der sorg har beseiret alle gleder There has sorrow won all happiness
Og bygd et land på menneskets jord and built a land/country in the land of men
Fylt med isklad prakt og hederfull with icy (grandeur?) and honour

well well,the words which are in blankets with ??? Like (grandeur?) mean that i am not 100% sure if i have translated them correctly
anyway since i am not norwegian,I can't even speak norwegian,I can only read some,feel free to correct the stupidities i wrote or even laugh :D
Melancholia>>i'm impressed!:eek:

you understands Norwegian better than me...allmost;)

some comments here:

(landstretched?) - yes, if that word exist, it's the right translation.
(rune?) - correct!
(memory?) - dont think so...
grandeur?) - what is that? i have never heard the word before...

do4et>>no, im Swedish

so, the blizzard have arrived now. But it's pitch black so there will be no photography untill tomorrow.

P.S Lord Of The Ring was great!
Thank you very much.
It´s really an interesting language!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Es wird Wagen geben, die von keinem Tier gezogen werden und mit unglaublicher Gewalt daherfahren"
(Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519)

There will be vehicles that are not pulled by animals and drive there with an incredible force.
Originally posted by Blizzard Beast
some comments here:

(landstretched?) - yes, if that word exist, it's the right translation.
(rune?) - correct!
(memory?) - dont think so...
grandeur?) - what is that? i have never heard the word before...

P.S Lord Of The Ring was great!
thanx for the corrections :)
Grandeur=great power,great beauty usually combined with great size...something like splendour i think...

Indeed LordOfTheRings was superb!