Dimmu Borgir

you have a cookie already... at least you always accuse me of stealing it from your jar
~blondie~ said:
i like dimmu borgir
but i also like
Burzum, Nargaroth, Carpathian Forest, Emperor, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Immortal, Gargaroth,Belphegor, Enslaved

and all those...

Oops didnt see that. I told Korruptive of a few troo black metal acts but seems like you already have.
I suprised no one named Windir.. good pegan black metal. Some others not mentioned Elite, Impaled Nazarene, Limbonic Art, Thyrfing, Vader, Anaal Nathrakh, Skyforger, 1349, Taake, Bathory, Old Man's Child, Emperor.. I know there is more that are just not coming to my mind now

sorry feel the force.. thrash is boring.