Dimmu Borgir

No, no one said you were a "n00b", its just that Dimmu Borgir is so much more acceptable to the ears of people who might want to listen to extreme metal but can't wrap their heads around "Transilvanian Hunger".
Vikk Cavanagh said:
Darkthrone, Mayhem, Immortal, Burzum, Nargaroth, Gargaroth, Ajattara, Belphegor, Carpathian Forest, Emperor, Enslaved, Judas Iscariot, Marduk...


Did u mean gOrgOroth ? ... real black metal :lol:

Dissection was the real :rock:
Dimmu and Bodom are the reasons why I don't wanna know much about the bands I listen to...

Like when I listen to Dimmus "Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" I always think of "Death Cult Armageddon" and the lousy promo-poser-picture and everything...

Same when I listen to Bodoms Hatebreeder, AYDY comes to my mind and all the kids wearing their shirts...

Thats why I didn't read Dissections biography when I bought Storm of the Lights Bane...ok, you can't ignore something like Jons suicide, but beside their last album, theres nothing wrong with this band...(I guess)

I don't think you can go that fast from newer Dimmu to Darkthrone/Immortal/etc. that fast, maybe you should first go to Dissection or Anorexia Nervosa. Impaled Nazarene also works good.