This is pretty vague, but the dude at the center looks like a gatekeeper of sorts, with his staff. and there seems to be a line, at the bottom, across which anything beautiful dares not go. You see all the colorful (presumably organic) material is contained in the lower left, and on the "gatekeeper's" side of the line, it's pretty desolate. Also, the arch in back might lend more credence to the gate theory.
Now, as for any deeper interpretations, geez . . . this is just my stab in the dark. (Niklas, if you're reading this, please accept my apologies). I think it might be an introspective piece, possibly asserting that there are certain places in the heart, soul, self, whatever you want to call it, that we try to shield from beauty . . . assumedly for reasons of self-protection. That we all need a bit of desolation to call our own. That we all need an introspective "Dirty Old Town" to call home.
Haha, that came off as cheesy. But those are my thoughts. And I do suppose, ultimately, that it's better to attempt to interpret any form of art and to do it incorrectly, than to fail to make any such attempt.
Niklas may fervently disagree. Haha.