damage done artwork


Apr 11, 2002
Chimera Chiemgau
hey guys out there what do your think about the damage done artwork?
see it at www.cabinfever.com
I like it cause its a little bit different from the others
the 1. time with a member (mikael on the front) and with a kind of dirty look.
not so polished and gothiklike like projector and haven(both great artworks),this different design seems to go parallel to the harder musical intention as mentioned by niklas on www.swedishmetal.net
and they`re wearing leather jackets!!

can someone read the credits and assorted info?
I like the inner artwork much more than the cover....
it's a great artwork all in all.....but well for me Haven beats them all :cry:

fv (havenist)
the artwork is awesome :)
i like it more than haven....and hmmm even more than projector.....
but nothing beats the cover of Skydancer...so tranquil :cry:
Definitely really friggin cool....somehow i missed that surfing the site the other day...hrm.....

Anyhow, I like the promise that the music is more intense than previous sessions....don't get me wrong, I love Projector and Haven, but going back to the Mindz I still does it best for me :)

~Kovenant (Hedonist)
We could try with 50% a cover showing a pic and 50% a pic put on a cover, maybe :rolleyes:

Alfred (there is a night at the end of the tunnel)
alfred, I will certanly point out, that either the tunnel is extremely looooooooong or if there's night at the end of the tunnel, there is so somewhere above the tunnel ;)

fathervic (in a 7 month tunnel)
i agree that this time thev artwork is superb. i think it kept improving since the mind's i years - even though projector's cover is not that brilliant - peaking up with haven and now damage done. the colours and the light source are bliss for the eyes. :)

It's a wonderful piece art(the new one..the old ones also:))..

Yeah I'm also wondering what it is on the front cover?
Niklas said:
"The abstract shape on the cover isn't as abstract anymore when you discover what it is."

Can anyone figure it out?
this what he said about the abstract shape reminds me once a time in an interview they were asked about the symbol on the haven cover and booklet(the 7 black points),but mikael didnt said whats about them
does anybody knows something about it?
I think its braille-writing(the letters for blind people)
I found it somewhere and I think its an h and 7 :

but this one on damage done it seems to be known but as what? and whats writen on the cover?
..tell me of the inside?