Discussion on the new Album:"Stand up and Fight"

While some of you are lucky enough to live in Finland and thus have heard some more songs, the rest can now get excited with the 30 second samples from amazon:
Sure, some of these samples hardly say anything because of the weird sections they choose but it's better than nothing.
Only a couple of weeks left. I'm sure I'll manage.

Oh nice! Venetoi! - Prasinoi! sounded really interesting,
For the last few days, I've had this feeling that most music reviews of the new album have missed the mark by exaggerating the exact magnitude of the musical change in Turisas' sound. So far I have listened to 4 full songs and the Amazon snippets. There is no "new direction" per se, it's just improved and polished quality work that builds on top of previous albums. Simple as that.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
ever thought about the fact people might see things differently than you?
reviews are just personal opinions and noone claims those would be the only right opinions, so...
Just in case anyone thinks I am hating on all the reviewers, the last couple of reviews look better crafted and more to the point compared to the first couple of reviews (e.g. smnnews, heavyblogisheavy, pavillon666) I had come to encounter.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
12 more days and the album should come to me. I have listened only Stand up and fight and The March Of The Varangian Guard. Those 2 songs I liked immediately but got bored quite fast. I hope there will be more party like songs and more aggressive songs. Just like The Varangian Way had.. I know there are lots of songs to hear in the net but I don't want to spoil the whole album by bad quality and short clips..
is better wait to the official release! and there is nothing like hear the whole album in a confy place with nice sound.

btw i need get a deal with an USA friend to get the album
CM distro, dont know whats wrong with them! the guy i buy from told me he is going to sue them :S i understan for normal ppl as me can have problems buying, but with a wholeseller?
@silent-night: Yep. I like to go laying on bed in front of the window and listen whole album from begin to end straight through with headphones on. Then my focus is completely on the music.
I wrote earlier that my forthcoming review of the album probably would be quite favourable since I figured the album had potential to grow. Now I sadly gotta say the album got old really fast. The two previous album have continued to grow for months after first listen. This one sounded pretty good to me at first listen but now after only a few weeks I've lost interest completely. I will buy it once it comes out though to show my support for a great band. I just hope the next one will get my blood pumping again.
The song is good, but I miss the special touch. I can't really explain it though. Maybe I'm not in the right mood or I need to listen to it on the album to really get into it.
Wow, neat song. First it made me go "eh" during the intro, but then when the vocals kicked in it seemed very "pharaoh"-ey, kind of oriental, dark and mystical and all, and then full force good ol' Turisas again, glorious and soundtrackey and yay. <3 I like.