Dissection vs. Immortal


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I don't like The Somberlain. It just doesn't click for me. I know I'm probably the only person here who thinks so, but there you go. I've tried it about 10 times now, and every time, I turn it off at around track 5. With that said, "Crimson Towers" is a nice medley.

I've never heard Storm of the Lights Bane. Should I still bother?

Now, when it comes to a thrashy mid-paced BM type sound, I think Immortal do it much better as witnessed on Sons of Northern Darkness or At the Heart of Winter. It requires maximum volume, and your house will freeze over.

Immortal 1 - Dissection 0.
You need Storm of the Light's Bane. Everyone remotely interested in black or death metal does. The Somberlain is nearly as good, but very different.

You will seriously shit yourself silly when you hear Night's Blood. One of extreme metal's finest moments.
I will buy Storm of the Lights Bane then. Do I need to worry about shitty re-releases, or can I just get whatever's out there for conveniency?
Wow, two excellent band. I pick Immortal, though, for different reasons than JayK pointed out.

I like everything Dissection has done, from The Past is ALive to their two classics to the EP. SotLB is the better of the two full lengths IMO. Yes, it is easier to like, and I never tire of "Where Dead Angels Lie" (the song).

The SOmberlain is good, but it never clicked with me the way SotLB did.

I'm not the biggest fan of new Immortal. I thought Damned in Black was a half-ass effort at best, and Sons of Northern Darkness got old after two listens. AtHoW is really good, but I can't sit through the whole thing.

Old Immortal is fucking great. I love Pure Holocaust. I'm coming around to liking DFM. I think Blizzard Beasts is a forgotten classic. Battles in the North is OK.

Immortal wins because of Blizzard Beasts and Pure Holocaust and DFM.
Night's Blood = Where Dead Angels Lie > the other tracks > most black/death metal

I've never heard Immortal, I always lumped them into the Dimmu/OMC/shit-sammitch crowd so I never had an interest in them. Judging from this thread I'm wrong though, where should I start with them?
Saying Immortal and Dimmu Borgir are similar is like saying Immortal and Dimmu Borgir are similar.
Agree with Erik except replace Battles in the North with Blizzard Beasts.

At the Heart of Winter is worth a listen, but no need to get the last two.
Yeah I don't know why I always have, I think it might have been those goofy photo sessions they did. Like I said, never heard them before. Okay I buy one of the first three soon.
Well, the reason why I included Immortal in this comparison is specifically because of their last two albums. I would not even begin to compare early Immortal with Dissection, and so what I'm saying is that something like Sons of Northern Darkness > The Somberlain IMHO.

I agree that Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism is an outstanding album, so I would not even bring it into this Dissection equation - to me, it goes without saying. I think the last two Immortal albums were pretty decent when it comes to that mid-paced crunchy sound. Good catalog overall I'd say.

Good live band too. I saw Immortal and Testament up on stage, back to back. \m/
I can understand where one would be mislead into thinking Immortal was pseudo-BM by those ridiculous cover photos...no question Dissection were more influential, but I enjoy Immortal more, so if this were a poll that would make at least two votes...
The Somberlain is perhaps the greatest Black/Thrash Metal album ever. I really like DFM and PH by Immortal, but The Somberlain and STOLB totally crush them. Without a doubt - Dissection>>>>>Immortal
bah, sons of northern darkness is good disc, the first three tracks beeing nothing short of awsome, too bad they didn't manage to keep that quality throughout the entire albums or we'd have had a masterpiece there. furthermore; don't judge immortal by their effort on damned in black, that one is a major quality drop compared to it's great predecessor (atHoW). hm, this thread also reminds me i really need to check their earlier stuff, heard some from pure holocaust in it sure sounded swell