Abbath thinks the next Immortal will be a comeback to roots.

While we're on the Ulver topic:

people who call the first 3 a "black metal trilogy" are really kind of gay AND lying... i've heard people try to call Kveldssanger 'an extension of black metal aesthetic into acoustic form' or some shit but seriously? just fuck off and die already!

yeah seriously. even the band later said it was an "immature attempt at a classical album"

According to the artist, all upcoming releases fall into one of the the three following categories:

1. Our best work ever
2. A return to our roots
3. All of the above


this is the only truth in this thread
Abbath thinks the next Immortal won't be a comeback to roots, as he has placed the band on hold. Lad didn't want to get litigious, takes time away from the forest photo ops. Instead he has opted to work on some side projects (possibly "I" IDK), and shtoop heavy set black metal groupies.