Dissection vs. Immortal

Erik said:
Well in that case I'd have to say you must be retarded, gay and/or lying. :loco:
er....well it takes one to know one. Zing! :p

No but seriously, even without comparing The Somberlain to anything else, it just didn't click for me. I'll keep it around for a while - I've been known to be slow on the uptake before.

In the meantime, I must get SotLB.....and more Primordial!!!!!
J. said:
is anyone really expecting a SotLB caliber album from the newly reformed Dissection?

well considering the time he's had working on it and his general musical skills and dedication, it would be strange if it wasn't damn good. i'll probably get dissapointed but i'm more or less expecting a record of the same caliber as sotlb, we'll see. hopefully NB wont interfere and make it gay in some way, though they'll probably make some silly limited über-deluxe boxed-metal set :rolleyes:
J. said:
is anyone really expecting a SotLB caliber album from the newly reformed Dissection?
No. It's probably going to be a Nazi shitstain with terrible lyrics and rehashed riffs. I still plan on getting it though, and with my hopes this low even if it is average I'll probably love it.
Erik said:
"Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism" makes me feel all fuzzy inside because of its incredibly honesty, rawness, etc... It has everything that made early Norwegian BM great.

This is more or less how I feel when listening to it too. "Perfect Vision Of The Rising Northland" is one of TEH anthems of Norwegian black metal.
I guess I am then. I thought I read on their forum that that was his new thing. Maybe I just saw his shaved head and assumed though. :p
Quite true. Jon is very far from being a Nazi. The MLO is a strange organization as well though. They are very limited with their information and such. They delve into the somewhat more complex sides of anti-cosmic exsistence and obscure ancient practices of Satanism. I honestly havent read or heard a lot on the subject either, but I believe I can safely say that they dont have a strong political movement or opinion in them.
What is this anti-cosmic stance all about? They don't like other planets, or is that just referring to "the heavens?"
Ask me, I'm wearing a t-shirt that says "Anti-cosmic chaos assault" over the back as we speak. (TRANSLATION: I have not bothered to understand exactly what they mean blamblamfsaröngtölknhrtsäknleknä*PJODÅP<'åsa)
MLO website said:
MLO identify the Cosmos (the formed and settled universe) as the creation of the foolish demiurge and as the prison where the Black Flames, that are parts of the primaeval Chaos, are kept imprisoned. The Black Flame is the pre-cosmic, non-created spirit and is the power that burns inside the illuminated and the strong which makes them seek themselves back to the pandimensional Chaos, which is the origin of all things.
So they want everything obliterated, nice. Violent nihilists, awesome.
NAD said:
What is this anti-cosmic stance all about? They don't like other planets, or is that just referring to "the heavens?"

well as far as i know they're basically (chaos) gnostics, which basically means that they belive the universe is created by the demiurge (jahwe) to fool people to not recognize the true power of chaos and the true creator (=chaos). the three monotheistic religions give the demiurge power by worshiping the false god yahwe, thus should be obliterate to further the coming of chaos and limitless existance. anti-cosmic is basically anti demiurge - to tear through the viels of demiurgical slave existance and reach gnosis (ok, so i'm a bit drunk atm, perhaps i'll edit this tomorrow)
spaffe said:
well as far as i know they're basically (chaos) gnostics, which basically means that they belive the universe is created by the demiurge (jahwe) to fool people to not recognize the true power of chaos and the true creator (=chaos). the three monotheistic religions give the demiurge power by worshiping the false god yahwe, thus should be obliterate to further the coming of chaos and limitless existance. anti-cosmic is basically anti demiurge - to tear through the viels of demiurgical slave existance and reach gnosis (ok, so i'm a bit drunk atm, perhaps i'll edit this tomorrow)
Sounds like Xenogears. :tickled:
To be completely honest, I've only listened to one or two Dissection albums (Storm The Light's Bane and The Somberlain) and one or two Immortal albums (SoND and AtHoW, later ones, yes.). Also, its been awhile since I listened to them, so its difficult to form an opinion here. MORE CDs TO GET!!!! FUCK! (watches bank account levels plummet)
NAD said:
What is this anti-cosmic stance all about? They don't like other planets, or is that just referring to "the heavens?"

You know, come to think of it, that Jupiter cunt pisses me off. And as far as Uranus goes...fuggedaboutit.