Divine Wings of Tragedy - Help!


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2008
So, as a warm up song, my band wants to do Divine Wings of Tragedy. I jumped at the idea, because we all want to learn the 4 part (or 5, I'm not sure) male vocal intro. I'm having a tough time finding it, and was wondering if anyone knew if sheet music or a tab or something existed for it???

Please help :)


Nah, it's not in the tab book. The Japanese one, right? That book has Dressed to Kill, OSAS, Sea of Lies, Looking Glass, Smoke & Mirrors, Fallen, and Communion; it also isn't very accurate.

There's a bunch of Divine Wings (song) tabs online in Guitar Pro and Power Tab, but they all skip the first part and just start when the heavy Cm chugging begins. That choir part is awesome, though... it's all Russell layered! Btw what instrument do you play, JonnyGR04?

Hope to see you at the Mokena show!
Nah, it's not in the tab book. The Japanese one, right? That book has Dressed to Kill, OSAS, Sea of Lies, Looking Glass, Smoke & Mirrors, Fallen, and Communion; it also isn't very accurate.

There's a bunch of Divine Wings (song) tabs online in Guitar Pro and Power Tab, but they all skip the first part and just start when the heavy Cm chugging begins. That choir part is awesome, though... it's all Russell layered! Btw what instrument do you play, JonnyGR04?

Hope to see you at the Mokena show!

Yeah that's the one....I've heard about all the inaccuracies, but I'm STILL at work, and couldn't remember what was in it. One less thing to do when I get home! Thanks! :)

If you don't have Powertab, get it! More often than not the tabs made by fans (Especially in the case of DT) are more accurate. And it's free.

Have extra faith in tabs done by Mr. Gul. He's Mattias Eklundh's scoring assistant when it comes to creating scores for the Growing Your Own Mustache tuition course(s), as well as the Freak Guitar Camp materials.
He's an insanely good transcriber.....
I don't think anyone is going to care if you don't sing it exactly how it is, and in the case of Symphony X fans they would probably enjoy an original interpretation. If I was doing it I'd just play around with it and see what I come up with.

GL. Post recordings if you do them (provided that its decent, haha).
I´ve listened to it a bit more now, and I´m pretty certain that it contains at least 5 voices.
It would be fun to have the vocal arrangement written down.
Maybe I can do that some day later this year, and I´d notify you if I´d make any progress.
Meanwhile, you can let me know if there is any specific part of this choir intro that´s your main stump, if you want to. That would generate in a quicker achivement for that part from me.
/ Fredrik
Oh, I forgot to mention that I (even if it might not sound like it) do agree with Eternal Dragon´s thoughts about the audience, but I also acknowledge the tradition of classical music, classical musicians and classical choirs to have a very picky view of using original notes.

So, singing a choir piece in classical style, I wouldn´t be surprised if most attempters to the Divine Wings of Tragedy choir intro would prefer using original notes, because of this reason. It might or might not feel more personally satisfying to do so.
But who knows. I´m still not sure how you, JonnyGR04 regard that point of view, but you´re welcome to keep in touch about it.
I got no intention to disrespect anybody here with different view either, of course. :)
I've transcribed the beginning once. I lost the file so I started from scratch. Here's what I've gathered so far (some high voices are missing because I'm trying to get lower ones first):

The beginning is with four voices but it soon changes to five or six voices. Sorry for the annoying beep at times but the choir VST I'm using is shareware.
I've transcribed the beginning once. I lost the file so I started from scratch. Here's what I've gathered so far (some high voices are missing because I'm trying to get lower ones first):

The beginning is with four voices but it soon changes to five or six voices. Sorry for the annoying beep at times but the choir VST I'm using is shareware.

Nice, I see you're using Magnus Choir (I think), you seem to have neglected those short silent parts in the beginning, but anyway.

I just started transcribing it.

This is what I did: http://www.filefreak.com/pfiles/49889/DWT_choir_intro.mp3
Didn't finish it though since nobody replied.

I'm busy right now but I'll try to finish it later.

Marwen, your version is better, you have the higher melodies transcribed. I have ignored the silent parts and the tempo is bit off too. Anyway, those are things I planned to fix in the final version.

Anyway, great work! :kickass:

And yeah, I use Magnus Choir. :)
Did you ever finish this, Marwen? I lost all my music (twice) during the recent years so I have to start from scratch. But it's not a bad thing actually. My ears need some training. :D
Sorry dudes, I don't have this one anymore. It's old anyway, I might attempt this again with a better sound library. If I do I'll post it here. :)