The Divine Wings Of Tragedy Choir Part


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2009
So yeah, does anyone know where to find a decent score of the choir intro for "The Divine Wings Of Tragedy?" I have tried to figure it out by ear, but it's pretty fucking difficult... Obviously. Any ideas?
It's by Bach, from a mass.

I *think* this is the movement it's partially taken from, but it's been a while, I'd have to compare... :/

Also it's probably just a quote here and there not the full thing, that's what SX tends to do. I wish I had a better ear, because I'd love to see the music for that part as well. Good luck in your search.
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Yeah, I can hear how some parts are similar. I might just say to hell with it and figure it out by ear... I'll have it posted somewhere when I get it finished. Thank you though, help is much appreciated.
It is indeed from the Mass of Bach. The piece is called Et Expecto Resurrectionem. The DWoT intro follows pretty much exactly the first part of this piece.

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Yeah, I can definitely hear the intro in this piece. I look up the sheet music and get back to you guys on this.
So yeah, does anyone know where to find a decent score of the choir intro for "The Divine Wings Of Tragedy?" I have tried to figure it out by ear, but it's pretty fucking difficult... Obviously. Any ideas?

Well, I've just transcribed an approximate of it using Sibelius 6 for MacBook. So far I can tell you it's a 5 voice part: S I & II, A, T, B (though at certain parts they seem more, like 6 or 7). I can share either the Sibelius archive or the Score in PDF (or both) via sending it to any given e-mail of yours (sorry, I'm not really into submitting to a personal website for downloading).
personally I'd go soprano and bass first (easiest to pick out), then try to pick out the chords they're implying. Then you could fill in the voices accordingly. Shouldn't matter a whole lot if one of the inner voices is wrong as long as it's a chord tone.
Well it could be worse. It could be the 10 year old Nevermore VS. Iced Earth Thread over at the Nevermore forums.