Do any of you suffer from depression?

Quote:However........ not all depressed people wear a sad mask.
the real depressed people, that have no balance in their brain- will look rather normal to you, they will laugh, and they will act almost always like a regular person,
but what is going on in their heads is something complitely different.
they see the world as a gray room that slowly getting smaller and smaller....
they want to shout: but no sound somes out.
they can sit and stare for hours with no emotion on their faces and think of nothing...
they see no future.... no life.

very well said Dead Lioness
I dedicate this song to all of you in times of melancholy...I hope it helps you free your mind :)

Terminal Spirit Disease

Can you feel the pain I feel?
I've lost all sense of what is real
I'm lost, in a world I detest

Can you feel the pain I feel?
This wound I've got will never heal
I'm lost, in the serpents own nest

Oh - set me free - crucify life itself
And let your joy be the reality
Our suffering life - the dream

Pain, the highest order
Scorching the inside of my skin
Terminal spirit disease
An itch of thirst twisting my tortured nerves

Kill the worm that is depression
Join the leeches of oppression
Inpure - twisted - logic they die

Kill the worm that is depression
My fevered circle - circle of damnation
Consumed by this torment pivine

Terminal spirit disease
Terminal spirit disease

Your souls condemned to sing of life
Must die to be set free
No. However, I do get sad just like everyone else... but no I am not clinically depressed. That's a different story. This is usually the case when you have low levels of ceratonin (seratonin? SP?)
Anyway, if you are depressed, you should consider eating healthier. If you still feel like shit, consult a physician.
(yes, I read a lot about medical facts, lol).
I only heard that album from them...and I love it so much...I really like their tone and style on that fav songs are:

The Swarm
Terminal Spirit Disease
And The World Returned
Forever Blind

lol...the first 4 tracks in fact...I read that their last album slaughter of the soul is their best that album do they stray from the terminal spirit disease sound? Or is it very similar? I heard some live songs of their earlier stuff on terminal spirit CD but I don't like it as much...anyhow get back to me on them :)
If you are talking to me about my sig, its fake. Its nothing more than fx created by flash and photoshop. "Slaughter of the Soul" is their best work. It is different than TSD, however. The sound on Slaughter is a lot harder and more technical. I like it much better though.
Well, I guess I still suffer from depression. I've been going through with it for the past 8 years, but it seems longer. Just last summer my doctor started giving me anti-depressants but they just made things worse. On top of all that, he told me I'm anorexic, which I didn't even know. :confused: I've been on and off medication for seven months but now I've completely stopped taking anti-depressants for about two months. Medication does not cure depression. You have to cure it yourself. Therapy isn't any better either; the best therapy is no therapy.
No, I am not depressed. I hate pretty much everyone, and my "friends," at least the ones at school, couldn't care less about me. I can't say that it bothers me. I don't plan to see anyone from my current school after I graduate. They all hate me, I hate them.... I'm happy with it.
Stealer of Dreams said:
No, I am not depressed. I hate pretty much everyone, and my "friends," at least the ones at school, couldn't care less about me. I can't say that it bothers me. I don't plan to see anyone from my current school after I graduate. They all hate me, I hate them.... I'm happy with it.

that sounds a bit weird.

i hope you'll meet cool people some day soon! :)
Used to be...then I quit therapy and started focusing my negativity into drumming, writing and hatred. :D Switching schools erased the last of it, and now I'm pretty much happy. Whenver I feel depressed, I write, drum, chill with friends, or drink. Everything gets better.

(I'm kidding about the drinking, pretty much).
MethodicalWasteManagement said:
If you are talking to me about my sig, its fake. Its nothing more than fx created by flash and photoshop. "Slaughter of the Soul" is their best work. It is different than TSD, however. The sound on Slaughter is a lot harder and more technical. I like it much better though.
no I was talking about kirky's signature!