Do cd holder things scratch CDs?


May 16, 2004
I have one of those big binder like things with hundreds of plastic inserts, and anyways I was wondering if putting CDs in there instead of in their jewel cases scratches the CDs, however minutely (sp?). Does anyone know of a good cd holder that won't scratch the CDs at all?
Yeah I generally don't trust them. I have had some CDs that I know I treated that started acting up after being in one of those cases, but then again mine was from a ghetto flea market, so it may not of been the best quality. Either way I only put burn CDs in there now, and keep my real CDs in their cases.
If you take care of them, they probably won't get scratched. Mine sure the hell are not. Get CaseLogic or whatever it's called.
CaseLogic rocks.

i'm under the impression that Jewel Cases and especially digibooks and such scratch cds more, especially when some little piece of broken plastic gets stuck under the disc and you don't realize it, then later you see scratches all over the disc.
I find that if you put an inverted cross on the front of the case, the anti-Christian discs usually remain in good shape. I don't know what effects it has on pro-Christian discs, however, so you may want to watch out if you're a dirty Jew worshipper.
Dodens Grav said:
I find that if you put an inverted cross on the front of the case, the anti-Christian discs usually remain in good shape. I don't know what effects it has on pro-Christian discs, however, so you may want to watch out if you're a dirty Jew worshipper.
might just put both for a good balance :loco:
I've found that putting lone CD's in binders does scratch the albums, but if you put the liner notes in first, it'll deter much of the damage. Of course, then you have that little, circular outline to deal with - on the liner notes - but frankly that doesn't irk me too much.
I have a 32, a 128, and a 256 CaseLogic, and I have no problem taking cds in and out of their respective slots without damaging them. It's not hard, you just have to focus for a good SECOND on how you're controlling your hands.
In my experience, the holders DO seem to scratch my CDs, no matter how careful I am, so I leave them in the jewel cases now.

And fuck, I don't know about you guys, but I HATE digipacks! :yuk: