Do I need an external compressor?


May 7, 2007
I'm toying with getting a cheap compressor to use for vocals during tracking. I've done a few songs now without a compressor and it's worked OK doing it after the fact in-the-box and being careful not to go in the red during tracking (into a fostex unit). So...Are they a thing of the past for the home studio?
I'm toying with getting a cheap compressor to use for vocals during tracking. I've done a few songs now without a compressor and it's worked OK doing it after the fact in-the-box and being careful not to go in the red during tracking (into a fostex unit). So...Are they a thing of the past for the home studio?

I've used compressors for vocals very often when tracking. Its also almost mandatory for monitoring for the singer. But rule of thumb:

Analog distortion = good
Digital distortion = bad
Dude, get a used Pro VLA, either on Craigslist or Ebay, etc. I bought one off CL for $125 and when I opened it up: VOILA! NOS tubes. Someone had upgraded it, but I know it wasn't the guy I bought it from because he said he never used it. It can get thick and gooey but it can also stay very transparent, works great on vocals and bass.

Also works great on the 2-bus as a limiter and then just raise the makeup gain to clip the A/D going back in.

You can also use it for serial compression. It's easily worth more, IMO.
thanks for all the input...I went ahead on my lunch hour and dropped the hammer on an alesis 3630 on sale at GC (I had a gift card I needed to use) I had been eye balling. after my gift card it was only $43. couldn't pass her up!

the VLA looks cool though.
The FMR Really Nice Compressor is only $199 and has earned some very positive remarks by various professionals.

I've had my eye on theirs for a long time now, and it does look very cool. but [enter violins] There is no "only $200" to me anymore. It's cheapo gear and GC gift cards when I get them or I stare at the wall watchin' the paint peel. I'm sure I'll hate the 3630 (especially from what I've seen on the net), but I sort of hate all my hardware gear anyway so I do what I can with what I can afford - which ain't much. [fade out violins] basically I need to just not go in the red when tracking; the rest of the compression will take place in the computer. I prefer virtual compression, but I don't record directly into my computer.

I'm not really searching for what compressors are best (I knew I wouldn't be able to get the recs), but if people still use compressors when tracking, or if people are getting by without. Hope I'm not sounding like a dick, I'm just broke most of the time!
II'm sure I'll hate the 3630 (especially from what I've seen on the net)

IIRC you can mod the 3630 pretty easily into something nicer sounding. You lose the gate function- again, IIRC- but if you're just using it to compress vocals on the way in, I wouldn't think it would be an issue.
thanks exocaster; I'll have to look into that. capacitors and resistors are cheap, so if that's all it is that'd be pretty easy. but yeah, just to tame vocals. Mine really jump all over the place.

melodeath: even with vocals? cool.
I am more or less in love with my distressor. It was a bit odd getting used to using outboard gear at first (You really have to learn to use your ears more than your eyes) but it's so great sounding. It makes everything so much more "substantial" sounding
[UEAK]Clowd;7945414 said:
I am more or less in love with my distressor. It was a bit odd getting used to using outboard gear at first (You really have to learn to use your ears more than your eyes) but it's so great sounding. It makes everything so much more "substantial" sounding


I could have typed this word for word...
If you are really out of money and have strong will, start studying electronics (get some books from your local library), learn to solder, and then look into the net for schematics. I don’t think you’ll be able to build compressors at first, but you can build high-end preamps with a few bucks, especially valve preamps… those are very easy to build. In my country it’s very hard to find line level transformers, but I’m sure it will be extremely easy to get them if you are in the USA (Jensen transformers), Canada, or any big country. Anyway, I know you’re not looking for preamps, but practice will improve your skills quickly, and then you’ll be able to build more complex stuff.
so is this the Empirical Labs Distressor that you guys are talking about? is this used in place of a pre-amp? or is this in the chain after the preamp? i dont think i can afford this piece of equipment yet, but wonder if this is something i should put on my "dream list", though "must-get" as well.
good advice Proggm! I do know a little, but not nearly enough.

yeah, a distressor would be freakin' fun to play with, that is for sure my friends.

as for the 3630: I goofed with it last night with bass to test, and I think it will serve my meager needs.